THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY FEBRUARY 12TH: The Pisces Moon joins forces with with spiritual visionary Neptune, in the pre-dawn hours, nurturing, even as we sleep, the dreams and visions that are ours by Divine Design. Luna goes void at 7:32 AM EST, till 8:26 AM EST, when she strides into Aries, the sign of initiative, action and desire. It’s a stellar day to move into intelligent strategic action to advance your dreams and goals. Create order, get properly equipped and organized for the tasks at hand, then move into a day of consistent action powered by Love. You cannot fail!

ARIES: The Moon strides into your sign daring Aries, at 8:26 AM EST, empowering you to act on the dreams you have been incubating for the past two days. It’s a stellar day to get organized and move into effective, courageous, strategic action. Follow your heart through the day, make space for your feelings as you do what you love!

TAURUS: The Moon strides into Aries, and your inner ashram this morning at 8:26 AM EST. It’s a beautiful day for you to connect with your inner spiritual warrior who can rightly guide you on plans, strategies, and the best course of action to take. It’s a beautiful day to move into spiritually directed action and advance your Vision by Divine Design.

GEMINI: The Aries Moon strides into your social sector at 8:26 AM EST today, inspiring all manner of brilliant strategic action to further your social plans. We are in the Aquarian season which invites us to be more social and collaborative. Today is a great day for you to take initiative to bring people together.

CANCER: The Aries Moon strides into your executive suite, bright and early at 8:26 AM EST, ready to take meetings with her fellow planets. Today she is interested in your success and any breakthrough activities that will foster new success. She’s here to help you get your executive ducks in a row and succeed. Join her.

LEO: The Aries Moon strides into your publishing sector at 8:26 AM EST, with her sleeves rolled up, ready to help you organize ideas, presentations, publishing projects, or anything else that requires your active attention. It’s a stellar day to get organized and move forward. The Moon is growing and so can your success.

VIRGO: The Aries Moon strides into your deepest sector at 8:26 AM EST, ready to confront emotional patterns or any deep complexes that have kept you stuck. She’s also available to nurture your deepest, relationships, mergers and intimate connections. It’s a beautiful day to advance your desire for closeness with those you love and trust….starting with yourself

LIBRA: The Moon glides into action taking Aries, in your partnership sector this morning at 8:26 AM EST, inviting you to take initiative to create or advance partnerships. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy the give-and-take of fair, harmonious relationships. Maintain your peace, your poise, and your balance, as you step onto the dance floor of relationship.

SCORPIO: The Moon strides into your work and health sector at 8:26 AM this morning, with her sleeves rolled up, ready to get the job done whatever the job may be. It’s a stellar day to hone your skills, sharpen the tools of your trade, and get organized for success. It’s a beautiful day to devote yourself to the skill that you need, to do what you love.

SAGITTARIUS: The Moon strides into Aries in your creative sector at 8:32 AM EST,  with her art supplies in hand, and the muses traveling with her. It’s a stellar day to create! Hone yourself, refined yourself into an instrument through which art, creativity, music, literature, painting, or whatever art floats your boat, can freely flow. Don’t wait to be perfect. Just create. Today.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon strides into your home sector at 8:32 AM EST with broom in hand and interior design swatches. It’s a gorgeous day to set your home in order, cleanliness, and beauty. Create an atmosphere in which your desires, love and family can blossom and thrive. Home is your castle, but it’s also your canvas today. Create a home life that nurtures and delight you.

AQUARIUS: The moon strides into Aries in your sector of mind, at 8:32 AM EST, ready to sharpen your wits, your pen, and your tongue. It’s a beautiful day for clear, concise and empowered communication. It’s a stellar day to advance your favorite ideas, and fight for the ideas and principles that you hold dear. Sometimes the pen is indeed, mightier than the sword.

PISCES: The Moon strides into Aries in your fiscal sector at 8:32 AM EST, with ledger book in hand. Today Luna is here to help you prosper and thrive by first nurturing financial order in your life, and next, inviting you to take daring action to advance, potentially profitable ideas, and enterprises. Dare to take calculated risks to thrive.