ARIES: The Aries Moon is with you today, harmonizing with your most intelligent ideas, expanding your thinking, and connecting you to friends and allies who have your back and are rooting for you. It’s a great day to be with your team and advanced your best plans.
TAURUS: The Aries Moon is shining in your inner ashram, inviting you to be still, meditate, contemplate, and then act on plans that you have clarity about. It’s a gorgeous day to advance big beautiful ideas, collaborations and harmonious communication.
GEMINI: The Aries Moon is striding through your social sector, inviting you out to do the same. It’s a great day to exchange ideas, advance big brilliant plans and maybe take a road trip to expand your horizons, as you plan even bigger trips and possibilities.
CANCER: The Aries Moon is in your executive suite, inviting you to join her. Today she is taking an intelligent look at big brilliant idea ideas that lead to success. It’s a gorgeous day for big, bold executive action and networking.
LEO: The Aries Moon is striding through your publishing sector, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and advance the ideas, writing projects and plans that are calling today. Action is the magic word! Roll up your sleeves and get to work on your biggest best ideas.
VIRGO: The Aries Moon is striding through your deepest sector, inviting you to dive deep and confront your biggest fears and your best ideas for mergers. It’s a stellar day for big brilliant possibilities that require some bold action and courage.
SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is striding through your work and health sector, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and explore the nitty-gritty of your best ideas and big brilliant plans. Stay close to friends who support your biggest best possibilities.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is striding through your creative sector, inviting you to come out and play in the sandbox of life. It’s a stellar day for art, recreation, creativity and big brilliant, creative possibilities. Dare to express yourself.
CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is striding through your home sector, inspiring you to enjoy all forms of housekeeping and enjoy acting on big brilliant family and domestic plans and possibilities. It’s a stellar day to have friends over and share plans for adventure.
AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is striding through your mind, clearing away the cobwebs of indecision, worry and regret, while focusing your mind on brilliant ideas, big adventurous plans, and your most joyful expression. It’s a stellar day to take to the page, stage, podium, telephone or internet and be heard.
PISCES: The Aries Moon is striding through your fiscal material sector, inviting you to explore your most profitable ideas, and ideas that you would love to manifest, market, or monetize. It’s a great day to be bold and brave when it comes to your financial life. Swing for the fences.