THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JANUARY 12TH: The waxing Moon continues her journey through soulful, maternal cancer, where she will be full tomorrow, inviting us make ourselves comfy at home and nurture family relationships, and our roots. Today Luna partners with Mercury in Capricorn, inviting us to give some thought to our long-term business and domestic commitments that need some attention today.. It’s a beautiful day to nurture our dreams and the love in our lives.
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ARIES: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer continues to nurture your domestic life, inviting you to get cozy and enjoy family, friends and connection to your roots. Luna partners with Mercury in Capricorn today, inviting you to commit to your long term domestic goals and beloved family relationships. It’s a lovely day to honor your ancestors.

TAURUS: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer keeps the focus on your mind and the brilliant fertile ideas that are germinating within it. Today, Luna partners with Mercury in Capricorn, inviting you to focus on the goals, the fertile goals, brilliant ideas and projects that you are committed to. Give them some executive focus today.

GEMINI: The waxing Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer, in your fiscal sector, as she nurtures your capacity for fertile profitable activity. Today she invites you to connect with people, institutions, or companies with whom you could profitably merge so that all boats rise.

CANCER: The waxing Moon is cruising through your sign soulful Cancer, on her way to fullness tomorrow. Your feelings may be cresting high today. Make extra time for emotional self-care, Check In with your feelings and needs and take note of what your soul feels truly committed to. Nest, rest and connect with your family.

LEO: The waxing Moon is cruising through soulful Cancer in your spiritual sector, inviting you to pray, meditate, and open to the love of the Universal Mother. You may be called upon to be a nurturing presence in the lives of friends, family, and those you are committed to today. It’s also a beautiful day to advance the domestic dreams, and projects you’re committed to.

VIRGO: The waxing Moon in maternal Cancer, is cruising through your social sector on her way to fullness tomorrow. It’s a beautiful day to see that your social life is also cresting to fullness. Make time for the friends, allies, groups and people that you’re soulfully committed to.

LIBRA: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer, is cruising through your career sector of public life and success today, inviting you to be out and about advancing your goals, and connecting with those you love. It’s a beautiful day to split between professional and family commitments.

SCORPIO: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer is cruising through your higher mind, nurturing your soulful intelligence and insightful brilliance today. It’s a gorgeous day to commit to your favorite ideas, projects and presentations with executive action.

SAGITTARIUS: The waxing Moon is cruising through your fiscal sector today, inviting you to commit to waxing prosperity in your life. It’s a gorgeous day to advance, market or monetize your best ideas and projects. Take executive action to prosper.

CAPRICORN: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer is cruising through your partnership sector, where she will be full tomorrow. Take note of your feelings and needs within business or personal partnerships today. Take note of your commitment to yourself, and how take care of yourself within partnerships.

AQUARIUS: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer is cruising through your work and health sector, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a beautiful day to take impeccable care of your body mind and spirit. It’s also a great day to advance the vision that your soul is committed to.

PISCES: The waxing Moon and soulful Cancer is cruising through your creative sector, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a beautiful day to take care of your inner child and inner artist. Make time for fun, fulfilling activities that nurture your soul.