THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JULY 21ST: Blessings of the Full Moon in Capricorn to All! This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on Capricorn for the second time this summer. All things executive are in the lunar spotlight today, as the Moon achieves fullness in the final critical degree of Capricorn, indicating that executive matters are coming to a critical head, and a need for a completion. This Full Moon is traveling with Pluto, the planet of power and transformation in Aquarius the sign of revelations and higher truths that this is a stellar Full Moon to get free of all that has bound us, and kept us from our true and authentic commitments. 
The Capricorn Full Moon is receiving further liberating support from Uranus, the planet of freedom, in Taurus, which turbo charges the evolutionary quality of this full moon. It’s time to evolve out of old patterns of inner or outer oppression. Pluto in Aquarius is receiving beautiful support from Mars in Gemini inviting us to practice discernment, mental clarity, and rational thinking when examining our own emotional patterns or the patterns on the world stage. 
The Full Moon chart is Leo rising inviting us to express ourselves with love and courage, Venus is in the sector of self, in mighty Leo echoing the call for heart centered love to win the day. Saturn, the ruler of the Capricorn Full Moon is traveling retrograde in the sector of publishing and beliefs along with Neptune also retrograde in Pisces, calling us inward to review dreams and visions that we are committed to. 
Our deepest commitment on this Full Moon is to our authentic self that is breaking free of the chains that have bound us in the past! May there be a new freedom and commitment to authentic happiness for all!

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ARIES: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her Full light on the last degree of Capricorn in your executive sector, inviting you to step into a full level of executive authority and thrive. Luna is traveling with powerful Pluto in Aquarius inviting you to get free of outgrown responsibilities and commit to authentic goals. Today success is a powerful team sport. It’s time to break free of the past, build your dream team and thrive.

TAURUS: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on the last degree of Capricorn in your publishing sector of beliefs, ideas and presentations. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on the action you need to take to advance brilliant and profitable ideas that you want to succeed. Luna is traveling with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to assemble a powerful dream team, with which to succeed and authentically thrive.

GEMINI: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on the final degree of Capricorn, in your deepest sector, inviting you to reflect on your feelings about deep commitments that require some attention. This Full Moon is also traveling conjunct Pluto in Aquarius to help break you out of ancestral  patterns, attachment patterns, and relationship patterns that no longer serve you. It’s time for something authentic, free and new.

CANCER: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on the final degree of Capricorn in your partnership sector, where committed relationships are in the spotlight. This Full Moon is traveling with Pluto in Aquarius, to help liberate you from outworn relationship patterns, and inspire you to step into authentic and mutually liberating new ones. It’s it’s a new day for love, partnership, commitment, and relationship patterns in which you can mutually thrive.

LEO: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on the final degree of Capricorn in your work and health sector, where work habits, daily habits and work projects, and your relationship to success are in the spotlight. This Full Moon is traveling with Pluto in Aquarius, who is helping you break out of habits and patterns that no longer serve you, and have kept you from your authentic and sparkling talents and contributions. It’s time for new partnership patterns, new habits and a new approach to getting organized for success.

VIRGO: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on the final degree of Capricorn, in your creative sector of romance, art and children. It’s a stellar day to reflect on your true commitments when it comes to your heart, your art, and your children. Luna is traveling with Pluto in Aquarius to help unblock you creatively and unfetter your heart. It’s time to feel the love and share it. Feel your commitment to your bliss, and act on it.

LIBRA: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on the final degree of Capricorn, in your home sector where it’s time to reflect on your commitment to home, family, and your domestic vision. This Full Moon is traveling with Pluto in Aquarius, helping you to break out of outworn ancestral patterns that may have been re-created in your current home life. it’s time to breathe back your power, and dare to be your authentic self, as you build a home life that reflects love, beauty and respect to you.

SCORPIO: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on the final degree of Capricorn, in your sector of mind. It’s a beautiful day to commit to mental discipline and the reward it brings. Spend your day focused on the projects and success, you desire. This Full Moon is traveling with Pluto, the planet of transformation, in elevating liberating Aquarius, to help you break out of mental and emotional patterns that have bound you, or disempowered you. It’s a great day to commit brilliant, authentic, patterns of thought that lead to success and happiness.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on the final degree of Capricorn in your fiscal sector where it’s time for some empowering change. This Full Moon is traveling with Pluto in liberating Aquarius, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your relationship to prosperity, your self-worth, and your capacity to manifest a material life that truly nurtures you. It’s a gorgeous day to release all forms of scarcity thinking and begin training your mind to appreciate your current wealth and open to the mad riches that the universe wants to bless you with.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on you Capricorn, as she illuminates the final degree of your sign. It’s time to truly commit to yourself and to freedom from outworn emotional patterns that have kept you down. Luna is traveling with Pluto in Aquarius, to turbo charge your freedom from emotional patterns that don’t serve you, while illuminating the path to a new freedom and a new happiness that begins with self-care.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT the Moon sheds her full light on your spiritual sector, and your capacity to commit to a devotional practice that works for you. This Full Moon is traveling with Pluto in your sign, liberating Aquarius, to help free you from outworn dreams, visions, and patterns that have gotten in the way of your authentic empowerment and expression. It’s time to step into that, and shine like the super nova you are.

PISCES: This morning at 6:17 AM EDT, the Moon sheds her full light on the last degree of Capricorn, in your social sector, where it’s time to focus on the friendships, alliances, and communities that you are committed to. This Full Moon is traveling with Pluto in Aquarius, turbo charging your capacity to be free from social patterns and entanglements that no longer serve you. It’s time to shine with your authentic light, and see who you attract.