THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JULY 7TH: The Leo Moon is gliding through the day, nurturing our creativity, our courage and our capacity to live wholeheartedly. Today, Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius, illuminating the path to heart centered friendship, recreational delight and brilliant collaborations. Later she will join up with Mercury in Leo, to nurture our creative brilliance and the courage it takes to express ourselves creatively and romantically. In both cases vulnerability is strength.

ARIES:  The Leo Moon is gliding through your sector of creativity, recreation, and romance, inviting you into a day of heart centered delight. Today, Luna partners with Pluto, inviting you to connect with friends with whom you can share your heart and be vulnerable. Later this afternoon, Luna will join up with Mercury to nurture your most brilliant ideas for fun, creativity, and romance.

TAURUS: The moon is gliding through your home sector, filling it with love and light today, inviting you to do the same. Today Luna will partner with Pluto to inspire a balance of nurturing your domestic bliss and pursuing your professional empowerment. Later today, Luna will join up with Mercury to nurture your most luminous, brilliant, ideas, especially about your home life.

GEMINI: The Leo Moon is gliding through your mind, illuminating brilliant, loving, generous courageous ideas. Today she partners with Pluto to inspire empowering collaborations and delightful social ideas. Later today, she will merge with Mercury, to light up your mind, while inspiring some a-ha moments. Act on them! Your creative thinking is off the charts today!

CANCER: The Leo Moon is gliding through your fiscal, material sector, nurturing your most brilliant, golden ideas, and your capacity to manifest, monetize or market them. Today, Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius, inspiring you to seek funding for your best ideas. Later today the Leo Moon will partner with Mercury to turbocharge your brilliance, your courage, and your capacity to manifest brilliant ideas or enterprises.

LEO: The Leo Moon is gliding through your sector of self today, nurturing you and your legendary, brilliance, generosity, courage and creativity. Let them shine today! Meanwhile Luna will partner with Pluto today, to transform partnership patterns, inspiring brilliant collaborations and mutual empowerment. Later in the afternoon, she will join up with Mercury, inviting you to think beautifully, lovingly, and courageously about yourself and your possibilities.

VIRGO: The Leo Moon partners with Pluto today, to nurture your creative or recreational vision, and your capacity to manifest it with empowering beloved friends. Luna will also connect with Mercury later today, to illuminate the path to greater enlightenment, higher love and your vision by Divine design.

LIBRA: The Leo Moon is gliding through your friendship sector, inviting you to connect with beloved friends, allies, and community today. Later, she will partner with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to explore empowering collaborations and delightful recreation activities. This afternoon Luna joins up with Mercury in Leo to nurture your beautiful heart, and open it to friends, allies, and new connections.

SCORPIO: The Leo Moon is shining in your sector of career, and professional success, illuminating the path to both today. She partners with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to create an empowering home life, that will support your worldly success. Later today she joins up with Mercury, inspiring your most brilliant ideas for desired success. Act on them!

SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Moon is shining in your publishing sector, inviting you to do the same. Today she partners with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to seek out empowering support for your creative gold. Later she will join up with Mercury to turbo charge your creative thinking and the creative inspiration required to succeed.

CAPRICORN: The Leo Moon is shining in your deepest sector, illuminating the nooks and crannies of your soul where hidden talents and passions may be hiding, as she scatters and dissolves your fear with her radiant light. Today, Luna partners with Pluto to help you excavate your brilliance and begin to manifest or monetize it. This afternoon she joins up with Mercury, inviting you use your intellect to discern which of your ideas and pursuits are pure gold.

AQUARIUS: The Leo Moon is shining in your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity to shine within loving relationships. Today, Luna partners with Pluto in your sign Aquarius, inviting you into partnership dynamics that are mutually empowering. Later today she joins up with Mercury in Leo to nurture capacity to courageously speak from the heart with partners.

PISCES: The Leo Moon is shining in your sector of work, health, and daily life, inviting you to find deep joy in the little things today, as you hone your creative skills. Today, Luna partners with Pluto, inviting you to advance your golden dreams with like-minded allies. Later she joins up with Mercury to turbo charge your creative brilliance and your capacity to do the little things with big love.