THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JUNE 9TH: This morning, just a little after midnight as the new day begins, Mars, the planet of action drive and volition, heads out of Aries, his home sign, and into constructive earthy Taurus, for weeks to come. Mars will be helping to ground the immense amount of mental energy, we are experiencing with so many planets in Gemini, and will be helping us to harness our energy, to advance constructive, fertile profitable, beautiful goals. It’s a great time to get grounded, and to seek to embody entirely new states of consciousness that come from new states of mind. Meanwhile, at the Moon goes void at 3:05 PM EDT in Cancer, till 3:29 PM EDT, when she glides into regal Leo to nurture our courage and creativity.

ARIES: This morning as the new day begins, Mars, your ruling planet leaves Aries, and heads into earthy grounded Taurus for weeks to come. Mars will be nurturing your capacity to enjoy life, enjoy your senses, and take constructive profitable action to advance desired goals. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 3:05 PM EDT, till 3:29 PM EDT, when she heads into regal Leo to nurture your heart, your courage and the flame of passion that calls you to live fully and pursue what you love.

TAURUS: This morning just after midnight, Mars, the planet of action, leaves Aries and heads into your sign, earthy beautiful Taurus. Mars will be energizing you, providing you with plenty of energy  to explore your desires, and achieve your most beautiful, profitable and pleasurable goals for weeks to come. Meanwhile, the waxing Moon goes void at 3:08 PM EDT, till 3:29 PM, when she heads into regal Leo in your home sector to nurture your home and family life with love, luminous passion and creativity.

GEMINI: This morning just after midnight, Mars, the planet of energy and action, heads into earthy Taurus in your spiritual sector, to nurture your capacity to take practical action to advance your most visionary, spiritual ideas and goals for weeks to come. Meanwhile at 3:08 PM EDT, this afternoon, the Moon  goes void till 3:29 PM, when she glides into your sector of mind to nurture your most brilliant, creative, thinking, ideas and their expression.

CANCER: This morning just after midnight, Mars, the planet of energy and action, leaves Aries and your career sector, and heads and into Taurus and your social sector for weeks to come. Mars will be inspiring your most constructive and profitable social, group, and collaborative activity. Meanwhile, today at 3:08 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 3:29 PM when she heads into Leo in your sector of values, money and possessions, inviting you to put your money where your passion is.

LEO: This morning, just after midnight, Mars, the planet of action, leaves Aries in your publishing sector, and heads into earthy Taurus in your career sector for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with plenty of constructive energy with which to succeed at beautiful profitable, professional goals. Meanwhile, today at 3:08 PM EDT, the Moon in Cancer goes void till 3:29 PM when she heads into your sign Leo, surrounding you with her golden love and light, reminding you you are loved beyond measure.

VIRGO: This morning just after midnight, Mars leaves Aries and heads into earthy Taurus in your publishing sector for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with plenty of energy with which to advance, develop, pursue or manifest, goals, ideas, presentations, plans, and projects. Meanwhile, today at 3:08 PM the Moon in Cancer goes void till 3:29 PM EDT, when she heads into Leo in your spiritual sector to nurture your connection to Divine Love and the Universal Heart that is beating with you even now.

LIBRA: This morning, just after midnight, Mars leaves Aries, and heads into earthy, beautiful Taurus in your sector of emotional depths and mergers. Mars will be providing you with plenty of energy, with which to advance mergers and cultivate your own deep inner security. Meanwhile today at 3:08 PM EDT the Cancer Moon goes void till 3:29 PM when she heads into Leo in your social sector, to nurture your most beloved heart centered friendships.

SCORPIO: This morning just after midnight, Mars leaves Aries and heads into earthy beautiful Taurus in your partnership sector for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with plenty of energy to devote to mutually profitable business partnerships, and mutually pleasurable romantic ones. Meanwhile today at 3:08 PM EDT the Moon goes void in Cancer till 3:29 PM EDT, when she heads into Leo in your career sector inviting you to shine like a brilliant diamond, when it comes to your creative professional life.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning, just after midnight, Mars leaves Aries and heads into earthy, beautiful Taurus and your work and health sector for weeks to come. The plan of action and energy will be providing you with plenty of energy with which to roll up your sleeves, and get the beautiful, profitable, job done. Meanwhile at 3:08 PM EDT, the Moon goes void in Cancer, till 3:29 PM, when she heads into Leo in your publishing sector to nurture your creative brilliance, and how best to share it with the world.

CAPRICORN: This morning, just after midnight, Mars leaves Aries and heads into earthy, beautiful Taurus in your creative sector for weeks to come Mars will be providing you with plenty of energetic fuel, that can be used beautifully and constructively to build or advance, gorgeous, creative projects, and recreational plans. Meanwhile, it’s 3:08 PM EDT the Moon in Cancer goes void till 3:29 PM EDT, when she heads into Leo in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, to awaken your creative power and passion, reminding you to live fully.

AQUARIUS: This morning just after midnight, Mars leaves Aries and heads into earthy Taurus in your home sector for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with plenty of energy with which to advance domestic plans, family plans, and any projects or ideas involving home sweet home. Meanwhile at 3:08 PM EDT the Moon in Cancer goes void till 3:29 PM, when she heads into Leo in your partnership sector. It’s time to nurture love, warmth, affection, and creative bliss within your most committed relationships.

PISCES: This morning, just after midnight, Mars leaves Aries and heads into earthy Taurus in your sector of mind for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with plenty of practical energy, with which to advance manifest and monetize your best ideas. Meanwhile at 3:08 PM EDT the Moon goes void in Cancer till 3:29 PM EDT when she heads into radiant Leo in your work and health, sector inviting you to do what you love and love what you do!