THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY NOVEMBER 17TH: The Gemini Moon begins her day and a merger with massive, mighty Jupiter, to expand our thinking and our possibilities beyond all usual borders. It’s a gorgeous day to be adventurous, and open our minds to new teachings, philosophies, truth and possibilities. It’s also a great day for optimism and connecting with our guardian angels. As we think, so we are! It’s a gorgeous day to think big, beautiful generous grateful thoughts! Rinse and repeat!

ARIES: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter today in your sector of mind, to get you thinking much bigger and way outside the box. It’s a gorgeous day to connect with your guardian angels as you explore new ideas and possibilities. Bigger is better!

TAURUS: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter today in your fiscal sector of values and possessions, to get you thinking much bigger about brilliant, beautiful, profitable possibilities. It’s a gorgeous day to pursue what you love and value most, and to cultivate the projects and ideas you love and value most. They could be game changers.

GEMINI: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter in your sector of self today, inviting you to think bigger about yourself and your possibilities than ever before. It’s a gorgeous day to develop or review plans, especially those involving travel, adventure, publishing and abundance. Take note of how wealthy you are, and build on that inner and outer wealth.

CANCER: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter in your spiritual sector today, inviting you to connect with the Loving Source of your being, and the angels that surround and protect you. it’s a gorgeous day for the enlargement of your faith, your soul and your dreams. It’s time to think bigger and practice faith and gratitude, as you pursue greater enlightenment.

LEO: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter in your social sector, to expand your thinking about your social life, networking possibilities, and collaborations. It’s a gorgeous day to think bigger about all that you could achieve when you join forces with others.

VIRGO: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter in your career sector today, to expand your thinking and your possibilities on the career front. It’s a gorgeous day to explore entirely new ideas when it comes to success, Think bigger, wider, international and global then follow up with some practical action.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter in your publishing sector of philosophy and travel today, inspiring you to think bigger about your reach and adventurous possibilities than ever before. It’s a gorgeous day to explore new information, new data, big possibilities, travel and beloved projects.

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter in your deepest sector of mergers, ancestors, and rebirth today, inviting you expand your thinking about mergers, as you invite Divine angelic Light to inform your emotional patterns. Today your soul can be enlarged with prayer, love gratitude, Grace, and other beautiful qualities as you open the depths of your soul to Heaven’s Light.

SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter in your partnership sector today, to expand your thinking and your possibilities regarding partnership. It’s a beautiful day to think much bigger and way outside the box, about creative, business, and romantic partnerships. Profitable adventurous possibilities abound! Seize the day!

CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter in your work and health sector, to expand your thinking about your daily life your work life and your health and fitness. It’s a gorgeous day to sample many brilliant new practices that could increase your success and well-being by leaps, and bounds.

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon joins up with mighty Jupiter in your creative sector today, inviting you to think much bigger about romance, creativity, recreation, and mighty love. It’s a gorgeous day to expand your thinking beyond your usual borders when it comes to enjoying your life and following your heart.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon joins up with Jupiter in your home sector today, to expand your thinking about home, family, and your roots. It’s a gorgeous day to entertain big beautiful adventurous ideas that could change your life in wonderful ways. Travel plans with family look especially auspicious today.