ARIES: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your social sector, seeking out friends, allies and partners with whom to collaborate, while inspiring you to do the same. It’s a stellar day for exploring ideas, and connecting with those you love, while setting yourself free from all that has been holding you back. It’s a great day to embody a new freedom and a whole new level of self worth.
TAURUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your career sector, gliding toward new heights of success, inviting you to join her. Today, Luna connects you with brilliant ideas, mutually profitable partnerships, and ideas for mergers that could be game changers. Seize the Day! Step into something entirely new liberating realities. Remember your sacred self worth.
GEMINI: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your publishing sector, which is the sector of the Higher Mind, and today Luna is flying to the heights of consciousness, inviting you to join her. It’s a gorgeous day to connect with elevated, creative ideas, higher love, and a whole new approach to partnership. It’s time for a gorgeous new vision. Live that vision today.
CANCER: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your emotional depths, trailing streams of liberating energy as she goes. Today Luna is freeing you from the mire of old out worn emotional patterns that have kept you stuck in dynamics that no longer serve you. Today is a great day to be free of them, and to connect with the people who share your desire for authenticity and liberation.
LEO: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing a whole new approach to collaboration, business partnership, and romantic alliance. It’s a fantastic day to entertain, beautiful ideas, enjoy courtship activities, and explore an entirely new approach to success. Beauty and love are calling. Answer the call!
VIRGO: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, reminding you that success, fitness and enlightenment, are often a team sport. It’s a gorgeous day to seek out skillful support on many fronts, as you advance gorgeous and profitable alliances that build your beautiful dream one sacred step at a time.
LIBRA: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your creative sector of art and children, inspiring you to let your heart take wing, and enjoy flights of fancy, creativity, and heart centered love for your offspring. It’s a beautiful day to explore new approaches to art love, creativity, and having fun with your kids. The holiday week is here. Begin celebrating today!
SCORPIO: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing liberating new approaches to nesting and family patterns as she goes. It’s a great day to pull out the stops and make changes on the home front that align with your vision for love, beauty and balance. Entirely new partnerships await you, as you set your life in order and put your best foot forward to seek them out.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your sector of mind, nurturing brilliant, elevated, and liberating ideas. It has been said: free your mind and your body will follow”. It’s a stellar day to do just that. Explore new ideas. How would you think and what would you say if you were free of conditioning that has kept you fearful of speaking your truth or thinking outside the box? It’s a great day to ditch the box and be free in particular of false, thinking about money, supply and self-worth. You are more precious than diamonds…Remember.
CAPRICORN: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your financial sector, inviting you to free yourself from scarcity thinking, and false beliefs about money, supply, and self-worth. It’s a gorgeous day to advance profitable enterprises with brilliant allies. Follow your brilliant, creative, bliss. Connect with your inner genius today. Give them the wheel.
AQUARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your sector of self, flying high as she nurtures your creative genius, your most elevated thinking, and your desire for personal freedom. Join her. Enjoy your freedom today! What will you do with the blank canvas of this day? Luna will be connecting with friends, partners and allies. Perhaps you should do the same.
PISCES: The Aquarius Moon is flying through your spiritual sector, surrounding you with Higher Love, blissful peace, and the inspired visions that are yours by Divine Design. It’s a beautiful day to open to your true visions, and to connect with the allies and partners with whom you can manifest them.
It’s a stellar day for thinking about success, and gliding toward it on the wings of a beautiful vision.