THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY NOVEMBER 24TH: The Virgo Moon spends her day nurturing us with healing light, while helping us attend to practical matters, the details of our daily lives, while advancing big ideas and brilliant breakthroughs that we are in the midst of. It’s a beautiful day to think big, but act on the practical little things that are right in front of us. From small things, big things come.

ARIES: The Virgo Moon continues to travel through your sector of work, health, daily habits and organization, inviting you into another stellar day to prepare for health, success and happiness. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on the details of big ideas, and all that will keep you healthy, wealthy, and joyful.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your sector of children, art and romance, nurturing your capacity to attend to the exquisite details that excite and delight you on many fronts. It’s a gorgeous day to think big and nurture profitable, creative plans, and gorgeous festive ones.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your home sector today, while inviting you to also attend to your biggest ideas and your most beloved visions. Set your house in order, then advance big brilliant plans that are calling.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your mind, inviting you to focus on the ideas, plans, and thought patterns you most want to advance or reinforce. It’s a stellar day to also put some time into your biggest ideas and your shifting social life. Make time for friends and allies on your wavelength.

LEO: The Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your fiscal sector, inviting you to organize your finances, possessions, and generally create beauty and order around you. It’s also a stellar day to think about big, brilliant collaborations that could be game changers. Put some energy into them.

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon is surrounding you with her healing loving light today, inviting you to enjoy another day of beautiful self-care and attending to the details that support your mental, physical, and environmental health. It’s a gorgeous day to think way outside the box and think much bigger about success.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon is surrounding you with spiritual Heavenly Light today, inviting you to connect with your angels and ancestors. It’s a gorgeous day to advance exquisite details of your dreams, and to serve others with your beautiful heart and your capable hands.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your social sector, inviting you to reach out with a loving heart to friends, allies, and community. This is a great day to not go it alone, but to be a part of something bigger. It’s a gorgeous day to reach out to people with whom you can bare your soul, or for people who might need to share deeply with you.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your career sector again today, inviting you to attend to the details of professional projects that move you towards success. It’s a stellar day to think and earn outside the box. Open your mind, heart and soul to an influx of Divine Prosperity, as you notice how wealthy you are.

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your sector of higher mind, clearing away false beliefs, helping you hone your best ideas and the projects that showcase them. It’s a gorgeous day to think and create outside the box. Opportunities could be presenting themselves at work if so, seize the day.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your deepest sector, sweeping away mental, emotional, and ancestral patterns that you are rapidly outgrowing, as she clears the way for something better. It’s a beautiful day to contemplate just what “better” would mean for you, especially in the realm of relationship and intimacy. Give it some thought.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your partnership sector, nurturing your committed relationships again today. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on shared dreams, goals, and visions, great or small. Spend some time on those today, with the people you love and are committed to.