ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon is cruising through your sector of adventure, wisdom and a wide broad perspective today inviting you to join her seek truth, wisdom, knowledge, and share them all. Meanwhile, late tonight at 11:10 PM EDT Mars, you’re ruling plan heads into Leo in your sector of children, art, and romance, inviting you to put your legendary muscle into your creativity, your romantic life, and that gives you joy.
TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon is cruising through your deepest sector today, calling you inward, where a great adventure awaits you as you explore your feelings, needs, and the presence of Divinity within you. Meanwhile, tonight at 11:10 PM EDT Mars heads into Leo in your home and family sector. Mars will be energizing your domestic efforts for weeks to come. It’s time to delight in creative nesting and cultivating love, fun and affection with family members.
GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon is cruising through your partnership sector today, inviting you to explore your relationships with the spirit of excitement and adventure. Meanwhile tonight at 11:10 PM EDT, Mars heads into Leo in your sector of mind for weeks to come. Mars will be energizing your most brilliant ideas, inspiring you to act on them with courage and delight.
CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon is cruising through your work and health sector today, inviting you to explore new habits, new approaches to health and fitness, and new skills that excite and delight you. Meanwhile tonight at 11:10 PM EDT Mars, heads into Leo in your fiscal sector for weeks to come. Mars will be inviting you to act on brilliant, profitable, creative ideas. It’s time to monetize market and otherwise profit from your creative gold.
LEO: The Sagittarius Moon is cruising through your creative sector today, inviting you explore the great adventure that is your creative life and could also be your romantic life today. Meanwhile, tonight at 11:10 PM EDT Mars heads into Leo in your sector of self for weeks to come. Mars will be giving you plenty of energy to put into developing yourself, pursuing your desires, and following your creative bliss. It’s time to to be brave and follow your heart.
VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon is cruising through your home sector today, inviting you to explore the adventure of your ancestry and enjoy some nesting and family adventures today. Meanwhile tonight at 11:10 PM EDT Mars, heads into Leo in your inner ashram for weeks to come. Mars will be awakening, your inner spiritual warrior, who can expand your capacity for love and provide the courage with which you can pursue, your sacred vision
LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon is cruising through your sector of mind today, nurturing your most expansive, optimistic, and generous ideas. Meanwhile, tonight at 11:10 PM EDT, Mars heads into Leo in you’re social sector for weeks to come. Mars will be energizing your social efforts, networking efforts, and creative collaborations. It’s time to get festive and have some fun.
SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon is cruising through your fiscal sector today, nurturing your prosperity consciousness, and your power to act on profitable ideas. Meanwhile tonight at 11:10 PM EDT, Mars heads into Leo in your career sector for weeks to come. Mars will be energizing. your professional efforts, giving you plenty of muscle to put into your climb to blazing success. It’s time to rise and shine in your career.
SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling with you today, surrounding you with optimism, gratitude, and providing beautiful opportunities for you to act on. Meanwhile, tonight at 11:10 PM EDT, Mars will head into Leo in your publishing sector for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with plenty of muscle to put into creative and publishing projects. The muses will provide the inspiration and Mars will help you with the perspiration.
CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your inner ashram today with flocks of angels to surround you, protect you, and guide you through this day. Make contact with them. Meanwhile, tonight at 11:10 PM EDT Mars enters Leo in your deepest sector for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with the strength to dive deep and do any inner work required to transmute emotional patterns. Mars will also be inspiring, brilliant, creative mergers, beautiful intimate connections, while awakening your passion.
AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your social sector today, inviting you into a wonderful day for social and networking adventure. Meanwhile, tonight, at 11:10 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action and desire, heads into Leo your partnership sector for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with both the desire and the energy to pursue romantic, creative or professional partnerships with heart.
PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your career sector, nurturing your capacity to be adventurous, optimistic, and daring in the pursuit of creative bliss and professional success. Meanwhile tonight at 11:10 PM EDT Mars heads into Leo in your work sector for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with passionate energy, with which to pursue your bliss at work.It’s time to do what you love and love what you do.