THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15TH: The Aquarius moon is on the wing, and today is enjoying harmonious, wonderful meetings first with Jupiter in Gemini to expand our most liberated, innovative, out of the box thinking as she elevates our consciousness. She also harmonizes with lovely Venus in Libra, inviting us to connect with partners, soulmates and friends, who are on our gorgeous wavelength. It’s a beautiful day for expanding our consciousness, our power to love and create beauty.

ARIES: The Aquarius Moon is flying through your social sector, where today she will harmonize with Jupiter in Gemini to get you thinking bigger about friendship, teamwork, collaborations, and community. She will also harmonize with lovely Venus in Libra, inviting you to nurture friendships, partnerships, and all fruitful, fair and gracious alliances.

TAURUS: The Aquarius Moon is flying through your career sector again today. She harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini, to get you thinking way bigger and outside the box about success and expanding profit. Luna will also harmonize with lovely Venus inviting you to nurture harmonious work partnerships and beautiful projects that delight your soul.

GEMINI: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your sector of travel and philosophy where today she harmonizes with Jupiter in your sign, to get you thinking bigger about yourself, your travels, your community and alliances with people you would love to travel with, philosophically, or actually. Luna also harmonizes with Venus in Libra, inviting you to travel to places that nurture your need for beauty.

CANCER: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your depths, freeing you from outworn patterns, and connecting with Jupiter to expand your conscious connection to the Divine. Luna also harmonizes with Venus in Libra, inspiring a stellar day for nesting and connecting with your dreams.

LEO: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your partnership sector again today. She harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini to get you thinking much bigger about friendship, alliances, networking and your social life. It’s also a stellar day to entertain your most gorgeous ideas and projects.

VIRGO: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your work sector, inviting you to nurture projects that require teamwork, and cultivating habits that are supported by teamwork, friends, or group efforts. Today Luna also harmonizes with lovely Venus in Libra inviting you to attend to the details of profitable projects and partnerships.

LIBRA: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your sector children, art, recreation and romance, and harmonizes with Jupiter, inviting you out to play today in a big beautiful way. Luna harmonizes with the Libra moon, inviting you to cultivate your love of beauty, and your own beauty as you celebrate the beauty of life in works of art and acts of love.

SCORPIO: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your home sector, inviting you to enjoy some nesting and resting as you think much bigger about home, roots, ancestry and shared wealth. Luna also harmonizes with Venus in Libra today, inviting you to reflect on your inspired vision by Divine Design for your home and family life.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your mind, freeing you from mental patterns, and mental prisons of false thoughts, as she inspiring, breakthrough ideas,  your brilliance and your unfettered creative expression. Luna is also inviting you to think much bigger about partnerships, friendships, collaborations, and group efforts.

CAPRICORN: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, inviting you to think and earn way outside the box today. It’s a gorgeous day to think bigger about your financial possibilities. Work on the big picture of your dreams by attending to the practical details the gorgeous details in particular.

AQUARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is your power ally today, surrounding you with her nurturing, liberating light that helps free you from the rubbish of the past, and invites you to step into your authentic self in this present moment. It’s a gorgeous day to think bigger about fun, creativity, and pleasurable possibilities, as you cultivate gracious relationships.

PISCES: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your inner ashram, inviting you to connect with the Gracious Source of your being, and your soul tribe. Spend time with the people you love being with, creating with, and elevating your consciousness with. It’s also a gorgeous day to think bigger about your dreams, your domestic life, and the partnerships that truly nurture your soul.