THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND: A Blessed Autumn Equinox and Fall Season to All! This morning at 8:44 AM EDT the Sun glides into beautiful, balanced Libra and autumn officially begins. In the Equinox chart cast for Washington DC, the Libra Sun in the spiritual sector, is traveling with Mercury in Virgo in the social sector, inspiring an excellent Autumn for analyzing and organizing beautiful collaborative ideas and the fine points of our visions for relationships. 

The Equinox Sun is forming a Grand Trine with the Gemini Moon, who is traveling with Uranus retrograde, and also with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, indicating that this will be a season of liberating revelations, emotional evolution and some empowering revisions, restructuring and reversals within relationships, business plans, emotional patterns, partnerships and gorgeous collaborations.

Venus the ruler of Libra is at the final anaretic degree of Libra, even as the Equinox Sun is at the first degree, indicating that some relationships are reaching a culmination point or a crisis point this fall. Pluto is also at the anaretic degree of Capricorn, traveling retrograde, indicating that executive matters are reaching a critical culmination as well.
The Equinox Sun and Mercury in Virgo are facing off with the North Node in Aries and Neptune retrograde in Pisces invite us to take initiative to heal relationship patterns and review our visions, especially for love, partnership and beautiful collaboration this fall. Lovely Venus is in the identity sector of the Equinox chart inviting us to embody beauty, balance and Grace as we reclaim our power and restructure our lives with an eye to stability and success.
To learn more, join my Autumn Equinox Telus seminar tonight at 7 PM EDT click here:

ARIES: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun heads into Libra in your partnership sector and autumn officially begins. This autumn looks especially good for getting clear about your vision for partnerships. Lovely Venus is is also in your partnership sector, inspiring you to bring poise, balance, fairness, and beauty to the relationships you are committed to. The North Node in Aries reminds you to prioritize your needs. Mars, your ruling planet, is in Cancer in your home sector energizing your domestic activities, and your relationship to family and roots.

TAURUS: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into Libra in your work and health sector, and autumn officially begins. Lovely Venus your ruling planet is also in Libra, at the final degree, indicating that work partnerships are coming to fullness this autumn. It’s a beautiful fall to define partnerships and relationships and to heal relationship patterns. Mercury in Virgo is traveling with the Libra Sun, giving you plenty of discernment with which to clarify, creative and romantic partnerships. The Gemini Moon is traveling with Uranus in your sign Taurus indicating that this will be a season of emotional evolution.

GEMINI: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into beautiful Libra in your sector of art, romance and children, as autumn officially begins. This year the Sun is at the very first degree of Libra, while lovely Venus is at the last degree, indicating that some relationships and creative projects are coming to completion this autumn, while others are just beginning. The Moon is in Gemini traveling with Uranus into the autumn, inspiring evolutionary shifts of thinking and major emotional upgrades.

CANCER: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into lovely Libra in your home sector, as autumn officially begins. The Sun is at the very first- degree of Libra, and Venus is at the final degree for the Equinox, indicating that some relationships will be beginning, and others coming to completion this autumn. The Libra Sun is making harmonious aspects to the Moon in Gemini, who is traveling with the planet of evolution and upgrades, indicating that this is an autumn for spiritual upgrades and entirely new approaches to partnership.

LEO: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun, your ruling planet, glides into lovely Libra in your sector of mind, and autumn officially begins. The Sun is occupying the first degree of Libra, while Venus is occupying the final degree, indicating that you are stepping into some new thinking and new relationships and partnerships, this autumn, while others are coming to completion, or hitting a crisis point. The Gemini  Moon traveling with Uranus will be inspiring upgrades in your social life. as the north node calls you to actively advance visionary publishing projects.

VIRGO: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into beautiful Libra in your fiscal sector as autumn officially begins. The Sun is at the first degree of Libra, and Venus, the ruler of Libra is at the final degree, indicating that some relationships are just beginning this autumn while other fiscal partnerships are coming to fullness or crisis. The Gemini Moon is traveling with Uranus, indicating that your thinking about  professional life will be going through some evolutionary upgrades this autumn along with your creative life.

LIBRA: Happy Birthday Season Libra! This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into beautiful Libra and your birthday season begins, along with the autumn season! Venus, your ruling planet, is at the final degree of Libra bringing some relationships to fullness and completion. The Libra Sun is harmonizing with the Gemini Moon, traveling through your higher mind with Uranus making this a beautiful autumn for publishing and presentations. Pluto is  also in the mix, giving your home life, an empowering boost. This autumn change is in the air..

SCORPIO: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into lovely Libra in your spiritual sector as autumn officially begins. The Sun is traveling with Mercury in Virgo for the equinox, indicating that friendly support is at hand to help you manifest, beloved dreams and visions this autumn. Lovely Venus is at the final degree of Libra, indicating that you are reaching a level of completion within some of your relationships and within, your spiritual life. The Gemini Moon is traveling with Uranus in your deepest sector, helping to free you from ancestral and emotional patterns that you’re ready to be free of.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into lovely Libra in your social sector, as autumn officially begins. The Libra Sun is traveling with Mercury in Virgo in your career sector, indicating that this will be a wonderful autumn for seeking skillful support that leads to success, the Libra Sun receives support from Pluto in your fiscal sector and the Gemini Moon traveling with Uranus in your partnership sector, indicating that it’s an autumn for big bountiful, evolutionary changes within business and fiscal partnerships.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into lovely Libra in your career sector, as autumn officially begins this year. The Libra Sun is traveling with Mercury in Virgo, helping you clarify and organize your best ideas projects and presentations. Venus, the ruler of Libra, is traveling at the very last degree of Libra, indicating that some business partnerships are coming to fullness or completion, this autumn as others are just beginning. Pluto retrograde in your sign at the final degree of Capricorn is putting pressure on you, your relationships and your entire approach to success which requires some restructuring this autumn.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into lovely Libra in your publishing sector, of travel and philosophy as autumn officially begins. The Libra Sun is traveling with Mercury in Virgo, inviting you to do some deep diving this autumn regarding your relationships and what you truly desire within them. Venus is also in the mix traveling at the final degree of Libra, inviting you to attend to any unfinished business within partnerships that require your attention. It’s also a stellar autumn for restructuring your long-term vision, and aspects of your domestic life that need an upgrade.

PISCES: This morning at 8:44 AM EDT, the Sun glides into lovely Libra in your deepest sector of emotional depths, intimacy, and mergers as autumn begins. This year, the equinox Sun is traveling with Mercury in Virgo, inviting you to analyze and organize the partnerships that mean the most to you, Venus is at the final degree of Libra, inviting you to attend to any deep healing, deep change, or completion required within important relationships, It looks like an autumn for many empowering shifts and upgrades, socially, financially, and within partnerships.