THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH: The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn in Pisces, inviting us to dive deep and reconnect with our most beloved dreams and visions. Luna also works with the Virgo Sun to help us analyze and organize whatever we need to do to achieve them. It’s a beautiful day for visionary action and for releasing, decluttering, and letting go of whatever blocks clear energy to stream through as we commit to manifestation of our dreams and get organized to achieve them.

ARIES: The Scorpio Moon is working with Saturn today to help you reconnect with beloved dreams and commit to manifesting them and living them. Luna also works with the Virgo Sun to help you analyze, organize, the logistics that support your vision as you get ready for a new level of health and success.

TAURUS: The Scorpio moon begins her day working with Saturn to help you reconnect with your vision for partnerships, romantic, creative, and business partnerships today. She also works with Virgo to help you analyze organize and heal. Anything blocking your romantic or creative. It’s a gorgeous day to prepare for love and creative bliss.

GEMINI: the Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn, to nurture your capacity for a whole new level of health, happiness and professional fulfillment. She also works with the Virgo Sun to help you set your house in order on all levels in a way that supports your dreams and your professional vision.

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn in Pisces, to nurture your capacity to dive deep and retrieve your authentic dreams for happiness, fulfillment, and romantic bliss. Luna also harmonizes with the Virgo Sun to help you focus your brilliant mind, and releasing blocks to your happiness as you organize the little things that will support your deepest happiness.

LEO: The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn, inviting you to dive deep and reconnect with your roots and your true desires and beloved vision for home and family. She also connects with the Virgo Sun to help you get your financial and material life in order, and achieve clarity about what you really want in life when it comes to the material world and manifesting your vision.

VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon begins her day, harmonizing with Saturn in Pisces, to nurture your most brilliant thinking, and your deep desires regarding partnership. Luna will also be harmonizing with the Virgo Sun to help you analyze and organize shared desires with beloved partners. Live your dream with your partners today. Dare to inch your vision forward.

LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn, inviting you to dive deep and reconnect with your true values and all that you most want to manifest in the world. Luna also harmonizes with the Virgo Sun, to help you analyze and organize the visions that you were born to achieve, and that it is time to begin manifesting.

SCORPIO: The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn, inviting you to dive deep, and reconnect with your most beloved creative and romantic visions. She also harmonizes with the Virgo Sun inviting you to connect with beloved friends, that support your dreams. Make time for some creative or recreational fun today.

SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon is meditating in your inner ashram, from which she reaches out to Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with your angels, your ancestors, and your inspired vision for your home life. It’s a beautiful day to live your domestic dream. Luna will also harmonize with the Virgo Sun inviting you to organized to get, your home and professional life organized in a way that prepares you for new success.

CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon is cruising through your partnership sector and begins her day harmonizing with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to connect with friends, allies, and colleagues who share your inspired vision and with whom you can manifest it. Luna also works with Virgo Sun today to nurture your capacity to analyze and organize projects that it’s time to manifest.

AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon is cruising through your career sector of public life and long-term goals, where today she harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to dive deep and reconnect with your long-term vision for success, happiness and fulfillment. Luna also harmonizes with the Virgo Sun today, inviting you to analyze and organize your material life and your emotional life. What do you really want? What really makes you happy?

PISCES: The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to analyze and organize the projects, ideas, plans and beliefs that are aligned with your overall vision. Luna then harmonizes with the Virgo Sun to help you analyze and organize the logistics that will help you achieve your dreams, especially your dreams for partnership.