THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY MARCH 18TH: The waxing Moon begins the day cruising through earthy Taurus providing us with another excellent day to tend to our material lives. Delight in the simple pleasures of life as you tend to your body, maintain your possessions and till the garden of your financial prosperity. At 4:40 the Taurus Moon goes void, providing us with an excellent window for reflection regarding material matters. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into brilliant quick witted Gemini, to nurture our intelligence and understanding. Join Luna for an evening of intellectual stimulation share ideas. Exchange information. Compare notes with friends and allies.
ARIES: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your fiscal sector, where she nurtures your self worth, prosperity and financial plans. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection and fiscal housekeeping as you prepare for financial success. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your best thinking, and the ideas that excite and delight you. Share them with those you love
TAURUS: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your sector, of self, where she nurtures you and inspires a day of self care and constructive action to pursue your bliss. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection, relaxation and gentle self care. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your best thinking regarding prosperity and the people you’d like to prosper with.
GEMINI: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your spiritual sector, where she nurtures your dreams and inspires wise constructive action to make them real. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection, meditation and organizing the next right actions to manifest your dreams. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture you, inspiring a night of gentle self care.
CANCER: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your social sector, where she nurtures your best efforts to build soulful friendships and professional support. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection and organizing your social schedule or group efforts. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your most inspired thinking. It’s a beautiful night for prayer and meditation.
LEO: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your career sector, where she nurtures your most constructive approaches to success today. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection and administrative housekeeping. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your most soulful friendships and your best thinking regarding your social life and shared ideas.
VIRGO: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your philosophical sector, where she nurtures your most beautiful ideas and the advancement of your best projects and presentations. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of philosophical reflection and organizing your ideas. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your best thinking regarding your long term success and the ideas that support us.
LIBRA: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your sector of emotional depths and mergers, where she nurtures your growing self with and profitable ideas that align with it. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of deep reflection and organizing your finances as you consult with your feelings. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your best thinking and a variety of exciting ideas.
SCORPIO: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your partnership sector, where she nurtures your most beautiful and constructive relationships. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection regarding partnerships and joint efforts. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture the depths of your soul and relationships you would like to deepen. Share deeply with those you love and trust.
SAGITTARIUS: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your sector of work and health, where she nurtures your most constructive attention to the details of work and finances. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection and organizing work projects and finances. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your committed relationships. Share feelings, ideas and soulful connection.
CAPRICORN: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your creative sector, where she nurtures your most beautiful and constructive creative efforts. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection and creative puttering and organizing. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your best thinking that will support your well being, mental peace and success.
AQUARIUS: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your home sector, where she nurtures you most beautiful and constructive efforts at home. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection and light housekeeping. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your best thinking regarding a variety of fun recreational ideas and brilliant creative ideas.
PISCES: The Moon begins her day waxing through Taurus and your sector of mind, where she nurtures your best ideas and your capacity to act on them. At 4:40 PM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus inspiring a few hours of reflection and organizing the next right steps to successfully manifest your ideas. At 7:47 PM EDT, Luna wings into the friendly skies of Gemini, to nurture your best thinking regarding home, family and a variety of nesting ideas.