THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY OCTOBER 21ST: The waning Moon is gliding through earthy Taurus today, inspiring us to take stock of insights gleaned during Mercury’s retrograde and illuminated by yesterday’s Full Moon. The Taurus Moon spends the day nurturing new relationship patterns within us and how to embody them. This evening Luna merges forces with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring us to take a quantum leap in how we embody our authentic selves, and a higher level of consciousness. It’s also a great day to explore new streams of income, and enjoy a more conscious relationship to nature, finances and the material world. Stay grounded on gorgeous earth today, as you reach for the stars.

ARIES: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your self worth, values and material life as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to inspire all manner of beautiful, profitable breakthroughs, in how you live our life, how you embody yourself and how you prosper. Slow steady action wins the day.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your sector of self, nurturing your emotional and material needs as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to inspire a gorgeous leap in your evolution which allows you to shed that which you are not, and step into your authentic self. Let yourself be today. Delight in simply Being. Let your doings flow from the stillness at your stable, earthy core.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, nurturing the dreams you were born to manifest as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to inspire a leap in your consciousness and your capacity to really embody it. We do not really know a thing till we know it in our body, our nervous system and our bones. Build in your new awareness today as you build your dreams.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing your friendships and attending to your social needs as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to nurture your capacity to build a social network and community connections that support you and who you are becoming. Delight in building relationships and alliances today.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your career sector, nurturing your most beautiful ambitions for success as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to inspire an executive breakthrough in your capacity for success. It’s a great day to build your financial and professional success. Steady constructive action to achieve specific goals, wins the day.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your philosophical sector, nurturing your capacity to walk you talk and bank on your most beautiful cherished beliefs as she goes. Today the Taurus Moon merges forces with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring a beautiful breakthrough in how you manifest, market or otherwise present the ideas, products or projects that call to you.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your sector of emotional depths and intimacy, nurturing your, deepest need for security, your closest relationships, and all that you share with those you love as she travels through the day. Today Luna merges forces with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring a breakthrough in your deepest sense of inner security and stability as you pull empowering energy from your roots.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing your most beautiful and constructive committed relationships as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to inspire beautiful breakthroughs in both professional and romantic partnerships. Explore new approaches to mutual delight and mutual prosperity. What beauty will you build or manifest today?

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, nurturing your capacity for constructive, profitable action as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to inspire financial and technical breakthroughs at work. Today it’s best to think and build outside the box. Innovation is the name of the game as you keep your feet on the ground and your mind outside the box.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your inner artist, inner child and inner inventor as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to really awaken your inner inventor, inspiring a day of creative and technical breakthroughs. The sky’s the limit today even as you keep your feet on the ground and your Hans in the clay, soil, paint or medium of choice.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing your roots and your domestic stability, as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to inspire a brilliant breakthrough regarding your domestic life. It’s time to think outside the box about your home and family life. Dream up a home life with liberty and stability for all.

The Taurus Moon is gliding through your sector of mind, nurturing your most beautiful, profitable and constructive ideas as she goes. Today she merges forces with evolutionary Uranus to inspire breakthroughs in the logistics of your ideas or in the use of technology to support them. It’s a stellar day to act on plans with steady practical action.