THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY AUGUST 15TH: The Sagittarius Moon continues to nurture our wisdom, generosity and sense of adventure, She goes void at 12:52 PM EDT till 1:51 PM when she glides into Capricorn and heads into her executive suite to get some work done. The morning looks good for philosophical musing, adventure and some summer fun. Once Luna is in Capricorn, it’s a great time to organize goals, attend to work projects and generally get organized for success. Slow and steady wins the race, which today takes us upward toward whatever represents beloved goals or the zenith of achievement. It’s a great day to define success and climb toward it.

ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 12:52 PM EDT today, till 1:51PM EDT when she heads into Capricorn, inviting you into an afternoon of productive executive thinking, planning and action. The buck stops with you today, but it is always wise to consult with Higher Guidance first, then keep climbing toward success as you envision it.

TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 12:52 PM EDT in your deepest sector, till 1:51 PM EDT when she heads into Capricorn and your publishing sector to nurture your executive intelligence. it’s a great afternoon to get serious about projects and presentations you are putting forth, and sharing with the world. It’s also a stellar day for productive travels and business trips that could lead to big success.

GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon continues to nurture the relationships you are committed to. She goes void at 12:52 PM EDT in your partnership sector till 1:51 PM, when she glides into Capricorn to nurture your deepest connections and commitments. It’s a beautiful day for some practical soul-searching and asking yourself how you can use your executive intelligence to serve beloved long-term goals, get organized, and assist those you deeply love.

CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus, wise on your work and health. She goes void at 12:52 PM EDT in your work and health sector, till 1:51 PM when she heads into Capricorn in your partnership sector to nurture long-term goals within or for partnerships. It’s a stellar day to get organized with partners, and move toward the shared success and happiness desire. If you desire a partner, act to find one.

LEO: The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 12:52 PM EDT in your creative sector, till 1:51 PM EDT, when she heads into Capricorn, in your work and health sector, inviting you to get the job done. It’s a stellar afternoon to roll up your sleeves attend to the details, executive matters and minutia that requires your attention. God and success are both in the details today.

VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 12:52 PM EDT in your home sector, till 1:51 PM when she glides into Capricorn in your sector of children, art and romance, where it’s time to take executive action to enjoy your life and your creativity. It’s also a stellar day to attend to the administrative aspects of child rearing, recreation or creative projects.

LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon, nurtures brilliant ideas again this morning. She goes void at 12:52 PM EDT today, in your sector of mind till 1:51 PM EDT when she glides into Capricorn in your home sector, inviting you into a day of administrative housekeeping. It’s a stellar day to get your domestic ducks in a row, attend to family plans, pay bills, and the like. Prepare for success, which is nurtured by an orderly environment.

SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your relationship to prosperity.She goes void at 12:52 PM EDT today in your fiscal sector, till 1:51 PM when she glides into Capricorn in your sector of mind to nurture your executive consciousness, your capacity to focus, and to get organized in a way that supports your success. Keep your focus on thoughts and actions that will support success as you define it.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 12:52 PM EDT today in your sector of self, inspiring a great morning for all forms of self-care till 1:51 PM when she heads into Capricorn in your fiscal sector, inviting you to get your financial ducks in a row. It’s a great day to focus on the details of your finances. Pay bills, invoice clients, attend to executive details and the like. it’s also a stellar day to deal with clutter like a boss.

CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 12:52 PM EDT today in your spiritual sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for reflection, meditation and generally staying in touch with the Loving Source of your being. At 1:51 PM EDT Luna heads into your sign Capricorn, to nurture you. it’s a gorgeous afternoon for self-care and creating structure that will take care of you.

AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 12:52 PM EDT today in your social sector till 1:51 PM when she glides into Capricorn in your spiritual sector, inviting you to get serious about long-term goals and visions. The morning looks great for going with the flow, especially socially. The afternoon looks great for structuring your vision for success and acting on it.

PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 12:52 PM EDT today in your career sector, inviting you to spend the morning reflecting, and organizing for success. At 1:51 PM EDT Luna heads into Capricorn in your social sector, shifting the nurturing focus to your social life, to professional networking, and to the friendships you’re truly committed to.