THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY AUGUST 1ST: Happy August All! Today the month and the day, begin with the Moon, cruising through Moon ruled Cancer, and the Sun shedding his light on radiant solar Leo. Both lights of Heaven are in their home signs today, inviting us home within ourselves where  Divine Light always shines. It’s a beautiful day to invite ourselves home on many levels, and enjoy domestic activities like nesting, resting, and connecting with family. It’s also a beautiful day to shine with courage and share our gifts, talents and the mighty love that we are the living expressions of. Be the light that the world needs now.
ARIES: The Sun is shining in mighty Leo in your sector of love, romance, creativity, and recreation today, inviting you out to play, while summer is here. The Moon is shedding her light on your home and family sector, pouring her nurturing love and light on your connection to your roots, your home and your family. It’s a beautiful day to let the Light direct your thinking, your actions your communication, and how you share nurturing love with those you love.

TAURUS: The blazing Sun is shining on your home sector, illuminating the path to domestic bliss. as he travels through Leo. Meanwhile, today, the Moon is shedding her gentle, nurturing light, on your mind, and the brilliant ideas that you are incubating, and getting ready to hatch. Today light is the medium that supports your inner world, outer world and family life. Commit to being an agent of the Light which is always infused with Divine Love.

GEMINI: The Leo Sun is shining in your mind, lighting up the synapses of your brain with brilliant, creative and love centered ideas. Meanwhile, the Moon is in her home sign, traveling through soulful Cancer in your fiscal sector. Today she’s inviting you to create a beautiful luminous, nurturing material atmosphere, as you also incubate, develop or advance brilliant ideas that could lead to actual silver and gold in your bank account.

CANCER: The Leo Sun is shining in your fiscal sector, leading you to brilliant, golden, ideas that could lead to beautiful streams of profit and prosperity. Meanwhile, the Moon, your ruling planet, is traveling through your sign, soulful Cancer, surrounding you with her nurturing maternal light. It’s a beautiful day to feel bathed in light, clothed in light, and to follow the light toward all manner of spiritual and material riches.

LEO: The Leo Sun is drenching you in his splendid light, reminding you that you were born to rise and shine wonderful Leo, as August begins. Meanwhile, the gracious Moon is cocooning you in her lunar light in your spiritual sector, inviting you to connect with the highest love, the Highest Light, and incubate the visions that are yours by Divine Design to develop and bring forth. It’s a gorgeous day to let the light ripen you, and kiss you, like a sunflower ready to open and share its beauty with the world!

VIRGO: The Leo Sun is shining in your spiritual sector, calling you inward to the temple of Light within you that is always shining with Divine Light. It’s another gorgeous day for prayer, meditation, yoga, and advancing your most inspired dreams. Meanwhile, the Moon is in her home, sign in soulful Cancer, inviting you to connect with beloved friends, allies, and communities that want what’s best for you and with whom you can be yourself.

LIBRA: The Leo Sun is shining in your social sector, illuminating the path to friendship, heart centered alliances, and loving community. Meanwhile, the Moon is also in her home sign in soulful Cancer, shining at the top of your chart. It’s a beautiful day to rise and shine, as you incubate, develop or share your most soulful professional offerings that can lead to success.

SCORPIO: The Leo Sun is shining in your career sector, illuminating the path golden success, that may require a little bit of courage, faith and action to achieve. Meanwhile, beautiful Luna is in her home sign in soulful Cancer in your publishing sector, inviting you to incubate, develop, advance or share your most beautiful soulful ideas, projects, and presentations that you intend to share with the world.

SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Sun is shining in your publishing sector, illuminating the path to golden success that appears, as you courageously develop or advance your most beautiful golden ideas. Meanwhile, the Moon is shining in nurturing, maternal Cancer, her home sign, in your deepest sector where ancestral love supports you, and it is safe to deepen with those love and trust.

CAPRICORN: The Leo Sun is shining in your deepest sector, illuminating the path to your power, your passion, and the deepest expression of your creative, brilliance and mighty love. Meanwhile, Luna is also in her home sign, surrounding and cocooning you with nurturing love, while illuminating path to soulful partnerships in which you can be creative, secure, and fertile on many levels.

AQUARIUS: The Leo Sun is shining in your partnership sector, illuminating the path to heart centered, romantic, partnerships, and brilliant, mutually empowering, professional or creative alliances. Meanwhile, Luna is shining in your sector of daily work and health, as she travels through soulful Cancer her home sign. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy some cocooning, and attending to practices an details that keep you healthy, happy and organized.

PISCES: The Leo Sun is shining in your work and health sector, illuminating the path to golden success on the job, and the way to hone creative and leadership skills. Meanwhile, Luna is traveling through soulful Cancer, her home sign, calling you back and inward to the creative ideas, recreational activities, and romantic pursuits that nurture your beautiful soul.