THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY AUGUST 8TH: Today as the Lions gate energy peaks, allowing radiant, courageous energy to flow into the world, the Virgo Moon goes void at 4:40 AM EDT, till 8:31 AM, when she glides into lovely Libra to nurture our balance and our poise as we adjust to the Mercury Retrograde. It’s another gorgeous day for love, beauty and advancing or recalibrating partnerships.
It’s a gorgeous day to cultivate mental balance through meditation, physical balance through yoga, and spiritual balance through prayer. It’s a beautiful day while Luna is growing in Libra to cultivate the relationships that means the most to us and to seek fairness in all interactions.

ARIES: Today at 4:40 AM EDT the Virgo Moon goes void 8:31 AM when she glides into lovely Libra for a lovely date with Pluto in Aquarius it’s a beautiful day to connect with empowering friends, allies and partners. Today the Libra Moon helps you find your equilibrium, and the beautiful dance of give-and-take with the people you are committed to and the friends who empower you.

TAURUS: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM EDT, when she glides into beautiful balanced Libra in your work and health sector to nurture your mental, physical, and spiritual balance, beauty and poise. It’s a gorgeous day to be present, deliberate, and poised, in thought word and deed it. It’s also a gorgeous day to work on beautiful work projects and partnerships.

GEMINI: Today at 4:40 AM EDT the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM EDT, when she glides into gorgeous Libra in your sector of art, romance and recreation to nurture your need to express, create, and enjoy beauty in your life. Love is calling today. Beauty beckons, and your creativity would love to be expressed today in works of art and acts of love.

CANCER: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM EDT, when she glides into beautiful Libra in your home sector, to nurture your need for a beautiful peaceful home life, and for lovely harmonious family relationships. It’s a gorgeous day to cultivate love and harmony with your family and create a home life that nurtures love.

LEO: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM EDT, when she glides into lovely Libra and your sector of mind, to cultivate your mental balance and your verbal poise. It’s a beautiful day to be the voice of harmony, diplomacy, and reconciliation, it’s also a beautiful day to reconnect with your most beautiful projects, empowering collaborations, and the people, places, and things that you love.

VIRGO: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM, when she glides into lovely Libra in your fiscal sector, to nurture beauty within your material life, balance within your financial life, and partnerships that could lead to prosperity for all. It’s a gorgeous day to explore collaborations and empowering projects that are a delight to advance or reconnect with.

LIBRA: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM EDT, when she glides into your sign lovely Libra to wrap you in her rosy light and nurture you with love and Grace. It’s a beautiful day for all forms of self-care, and to enjoy the exquisite beauty, balance, and poise, that you were born to embody, create and celebrate.

SCORPIO: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM EDT, when she glides into beautiful Libra in your spiritual sector to nurture your  your capacity for higher love and sublime peace. It’s a stellar day for prayer, meditation, yoga, or any activity, that restores you to peace and balance. It’s also a beautiful day to open to your vision by Divine design.

SAGITTARIUS: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM, when she glides into beautiful Libra in your social sector, to nurture your blossoming social life. It’s a stellar day for brilliant collaborations and beautiful community connections. It’s a gorgeous day to free your mind to explore empowering ideas with friends, allies and colleagues.

CAPRICORN: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM EDT, when she glides into lovely Libra in your career sector to nurture your capacity to forge beautiful brilliant, professional partnerships that lead to mutual success. It’s a gorgeous day for collaborations that could be brilliant, profitable and pleasurable.

AQUARIUS: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31 AM EDT when she glides into lovely Libra in your publishing sector of philosophy, adventure, and the higher mind. It’s a gorgeous day to explore ideas with partners, friends and allies. It’s also a beautiful day to explore your mission regarding love and romance, both of which could be blossoming in your life on this very day.

PISCES: Today at 4:40 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void till 8:31AM EDT, when she glides into lovely Libra, to your nurture the deep well of inner peace at the core of your being, and the deep reservoir of love that is waiting to be shared with those you love. It’s a stellar day for beautiful creative collaborations.