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click here: Tonight at 7:45 PM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her waxing journey through mystical Pisces in your spiritual sector. Luna is traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Mercury Neptune, and the North Node, all in inviting you on a beautiful mystical journey of increased faith, devotion, and spiritual surrender. Meanwhile, Venus in your sign travels with Chiron, inviting you to heal and be an expression of healing and love to the people in your life who need it most.
TAURUS: Tonight at 7:45 PM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her waxing journey through your social sector, traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Neptune Mercury, and the North Node all in mystical Pisces. It’s time to connect with your dream team who can help you step into greater enlightenment, and build the dreams that are true north for you.
GEMINI: This evening at 7:45 PM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her waxing journey through your career sector of long-term goals and success. Luna is traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, the North Node and Neptune all in Pisces, inviting you to rise and shine with the light of a beautiful strand of stars, all of whom are calling you to move forward, and commit to your most visionary, beautiful dream of success
CANCER: This evening at 7:45 PM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her waxing journey through your higher mind and philosophical sector. This beautiful, extraordinary, New Moon is traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, the North Node, and Neptune all in Pisces, inviting you to commit to your most visionary, beautiful ideas, and your highest mystical consciousness. It’s time to make your dreams come true as you grow in love and compassion.
LEO: This evening at 7:45 PM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her waxing journey through your deepest sector, inspiring a new cycle of transformation, mergers, and deep connection to those you love. Luna is traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, the North Node and Mercury all in mystical Pisces, connecting you to your deepest dreams, desires, and your connection to your ancestors. As you deepen in compassion and love, your soul will rise and shine.
VIRGO: This evening at 7:45 PM EST the New Moon in Pisces begins her waxing journey through your partnership sector where there is a great deal of planetary activity. Luna is traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury, and the North Node, indicating that visionary partnerships are ready to advance, others may be ending. It’s time to build a shared dream and commit to the visions that you hold dear with the people you are most committed to.
LIBRA: This evening at 7:45 PM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her waxing journey through your work and health sector, where it is time to commit to your most beautiful daily life and most inspired visions. The New Moon is traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Neptune and the North Node, all in mystical, visionary Pisces, inviting you to commit to the visionary work that inspires you as you live your dream.
SCORPIO: This evening at 7:45 PM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her waxing journey through your creative sector of children, art, and romance where it is time to commit to your most beautiful and inspiring creative visions. The New Moon is traveling with Saturn, Mercury, the North Node, Neptune and the Sun, all in mystical Pisces, inviting you to express yourself in extraordinary works of art, and acts of the highest love. The Heavenly Muses are dancing with you, inviting you to commit to your creative dream. The world needs it and you.
SAGITTARIUS: Tonight at 7:45 PM EST, the New Moon begins her waxing journey through Pisces in your home sector where tremendous planetary activity is afoot. The New Moon is traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, the North Node and Neptune, all in Pisces, inviting you to make a rock solid commitment to your vision of domestic and family bliss. It’s time to put a solid foundation beneath your dreams of home sweet home.
CAPRICORN: This evening at 7:45 PM EST the New Moon begins her waxing journey through your sector of mind, where a waterfall of gorgeous visions are cascading, ready to be acted upon. The New Moon is traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, the North Node, and Neptune all in visionary Pisces, inviting you to commit to your most brilliant and visionary ideas, then get to work manifesting them.
AQUARIUS: This evening at 7:45 PM EST the New Moon begins her waxing journey through your fiscal sector, where there is plenty of planetary activity of foot. The New Moon is traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, the North Node, and Neptune, all in your financial sector, inviting you to get serious about investments and the visions you want to build, manifest, profit from, or otherwise engage in. It’s time to make your dreams a rock solid reality.
PISCES: This evening at 7:45 PM EST, the New Moon begins her waxing journey through your sign, and your sector of self beautiful Pisces. It’s an extraordinary New Moon, traveling with the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, the North Node, and Neptune, inviting you to commit to yourself, your dreams and your most inspired visions, in an entirely new way. It’s time to prioritize your needs and your dreams. If you build it, they will come.