ARIES: The Capricorn Sun in your career sector, harmonizes with Neptune in your spiritual sector, inviting you to seek Divine Guidance as you commit to your vision for success. The Virgo Moon is on hand once again to help with the details and keep you healthy, wealthy and wise. Get into the weeds and make your dream a reality.
TAURUS: The Capricorn Sun in your publishing sector, harmonizes with Neptune in your social sector, inviting you to commit to projects and enterprises that involve visionary collaborations. The Virgo Moon will be assisting once again with attention to exquisite details, logistics, practicalities, and specialized support. Roll up your sleeves. Make your dreams a reality.
GEMINI: The Capricorn Sun in your deepest sector, is harmonizing with Neptune in your career sector, making this a stellar day to advance professional visions and collaborations or public partnerships that may take center stage. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon is busy, keeping house in your home sector, inviting you to keep an eye on the details that will create pristine sparkling order for you to live in.
CANCER: The Capricorn Sun in your partnership sector, is harmonizing with Neptune in your higher mind, inviting you to explore shared visions, shared journeys, shared enterprises with partners. It’s a gorgeous day to keep your mental focus on the details and logistics that will make your dreams come true. Banish worry, focus on the task at hand.
LEO: The Capricorn Sun in your work sector, is harmonizing with Neptune in your deepest sector, inviting you to attend to the details of organization that will achieve the vision that you have for your life, way deep down. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon will help with financial details, financial organization, and attending to any cleaning and decluttering that needs to happen.
VIRGO: The Capricorn Sun in your creative sector, is harmonizing with Neptune in your partnership sector, making this a stellar day to advance the creative projects and partnerships that you’re deeply committed to. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon is surrounding you with love and care, reminding you how precious you are. Attend to yourself today, with all the care you lavish on others.
LIBRA: The Capricorn Sun in your home sector, is harmonizing with Neptune in your work and health sector, inviting you to commit to the daily life and home life that really works for you. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon is helping you stay connected to Heaven through prayer, meditation and simple acts of loving service, that are some of the most powerful prayers one can engage in.
SCORPIO: The Capricorn Sun is in your sector of mind, harmonizing with Neptune in your creative sector today, inviting you to advance the creative projects that you’re most deeply committed to. The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your social network and the specialized support that is available to help you make your creative dreams a reality.
SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Sun is in your fiscal sector today, harmonizing with Neptune in your home sector, making this a stellar day to commit to both your domestic and financial vision with executive, practical action. It’s a gorgeous day to get organized for success, which once again is in the details.
CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Sun is shining on you and your power to commit to your dreams. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon will help you with the details and the logistics of your dreams. Dreams are engineered like anything else. Plans are drawn up. Supplies are bought, crews are hired, and details are attended to, and then the building begins. What phase of dream building are you at?
AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Sun is shining in your inner ashram, harmonizing with Neptune in your fiscal sector, inviting you to commit to the dreams that are calling to you, by taking tangible material action to achieve them. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your investments, your deepest relationships, and your desire for intimacy. It’s a great day to connect deeply with loved ones that you trust.
PISCES: The Capricorn Sun is shining in your social sector, harmonizing with Neptune in your sign, inviting you to advance your vision for your social life. Make time for the people and partners that you’re committed to today. This is not a day to isolate it’s a day to connect and collaborate.