THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JANUARY 23RD: The Scorpio moon gets very busy today harmonizing with Venus, Mars and Neptune to help us actualize our highest love and most empowered domestic and romantic visions. Luna also harmonizes with Mercury to clear our minds of mental rubbish so we can think clearly. She partners with Uranus to turbo charge our evolution, It’s a stellar day to get busy with the art and skill of transformation. It takes effort to be a butterfly. It’s a gorgeous day to get busy and do just that. Luna will go void at 7:03 PM till 11:29 PM when she heads into Sagittarius, to give us a reprieve from life in the cocoon of change.
ARIES: The Scorpio Moon gets very busy with her fellow planets to turbocharge your evolution and the empowering changes you are committed to. It’s a stellar day to connect with your angels and seek the Highest Guidance as you make powerful changes that align with your vision. it’s a stellar day to visualize your evolution and the outcome you seek. Aligned your mind, your team and yourself with a beautiful transformational outcome.
TAURUS: The Scorpio Moon keeps the empowering focus on you and the visions, ideas, relationships you’re committed to. It’s another stellar day to advance, empowering, beautiful, and extraordinary changes in your life. Give some thought to where you most want evolution, and get busy on that front! Higher Love, beauty and intelligence are guiding you through this day and through the changes you seek!
GEMINI: The Scorpio Moon is keeping your focus on the tiny little details that add up to an epic transformation. It’s a stellar day to check in with the big vision you’re committed to. Then let every single action advance, exquisite or practical details that will make your dream a concrete, tangible reality.
CANCER: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your inner child, inner lover, and inner artist today, inviting you to make time to nurture all three. It’s a beautiful day to pursue your heart, your true desires, and express the beauty and artful creativity within you. It’s a stellar day to make time for innocent fun and doing things you loved to do when you were young. Recreation literally regenerates! Enjoy some today.
LEO: The Scorpio Moon gets you busy on the home front again today, inviting you to change your home environment, thus change your life. It’s a stellar day for shedding at home. Get rid of clutter, ancestral patterns or anything stale, and create an environment that exudes success, high self worth, and helps you take a quantum leap in your professional life.
VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon gets busy in your mind again today, helping you release worry, regret, frustration, or anything bogging down your mental environment. It’s a stellar day to keep your mind laser focused on empowering changes you want to make. Keep refocusing on them, and enjoy some positive affirmations, songs or mantras that keep you empowered as you build your dream, and step into the new shiny you.
LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your self-worth, your material life and your blossoming prosperity again today. It’s a stellar day to make positive changes that will keep you buoyant, joyous and rich on many levels. Release the past, forget the future. Enjoy the gorgeous now.
SCORPIO: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on you and your power to change, and transform yourself, environments and whatever you touch. It’s a gorgeous day to really let your powers of change unfurl. The planets are with you, and support your most beautiful transformation. Grow those butterfly wings. Be the change!
SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your spiritual sector, and the changes that come from surrendering to the Divine Will. Nothing is more transformational than Higher Love and Spiritual Surrender. Enjoy both today, and be willing to allow yourself to be transformed. Today trust is a super power.
CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your social sector, and the powerful changes that can come from the right alliances, loving friends and supportive community. Butterflies often travel together like birds, find your beautiful soul tribe and make gorgeous changes with them.
AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your public life again today, inviting you to step into the spotlight of what calls to you out into the world. It’s a beautiful day for success, or civic duty, or community effort or all three! Enjoy the people around you and your power to succeed and thrive both at home and in the world.
PISCES: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your publishing life, and your capacity to advance empowering brilliant presentations and projects. Reflect on a quantum leap that you’re ready to take in mind, or in the realm of ideas or in projects you bring forth and share with the world.