THE DAILY PLANET – THURSDAY JULY 11TH: Today as the Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on our health, clarity and organizational skills, this afternoon, at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus, heads into golden Leo for weeks to come. Venus will be kindling the flame in our hearts, awakening our love, our passion, and our sheer joy of living.
It’s a fantastic time for gorgeous acts of love and creative works of art. Venus in Leo is courageous and expresses her love fearlessly. Be like her! Dare to shine with love, light and beauty! Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon will go void tonight at 9:56 PM EDT, till 10:06 PM when she heads into lovely Libra to further amplify our need for exquisite beauty, and mighty, invincible Love! 

ARIES: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, as the Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your health and work life, lovely Venus leaves your home sector, and heads into golden, courageous Leo, for weeks to come. It’s time to feel the love and express it. Venus will be inviting you to, pursue the creative and recreational activities that light you up, as she stokes your passion and your courage to express it.

TAURUS: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus leaves Cancer and heads into radiant, golden Leo in your home sector, for weeks to come. Venus will be lighting the flame of love in your heart, your hearth and your home. It’s time to beautify your home and share your love and warmth with family members.

GEMiNI: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus heads into Leo in your sector of mind, for weeks to come. Venus will be inspiring your most brilliant creative ideas, and your most loving romantic ones. It’s time to be Love’s messenger and express the luminous beauty in your heart.

CANCER: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus leaves your sign for the year, and heads into golden Leo, in your fiscal material sector, for weeks to come. Venus will be inspiring you to manifest, monetize or market your most beautiful, exquisite, golden and profitable ideas. step into a new level of beauty. Let yourself shine!

LEO: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus heads into your sign, for weeks to come, golden Leo. Venus will be gifting you with extra radiance, charisma, and love in your mighty and legendary heart. It’s time to exude and radiate the love and light that you are known for, as you let yourself shine, fearlessly with beauty, brilliance and light.

VIRGO: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus heads into Leo in your inner ashram, to nurture your Highest Love, and your most golden Heavenly visions. It’s time to open to the radiance that surrounds you, and that lives within you. Dare to follow your beautiful heart and follow your inspired dreams.

LIBRA: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus, your ruling planet, heads into Leo in your social sector, to nurture your most beloved friendships, allies and your most beautiful collaborations. The next few weeks look great for your social life and for creating and collaborating to create breathtaking beauty.

SCORPIO: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus, heads into Leo in your career sector, for weeks to come. Venus will be shining like a star from the zenith of your sacred ambitions, calling you upward to achieve the success you desire. It’s time to rise and shine powerful Scorpio. Pursue the beauty and the golden creative success you intend to achieve.

SAGITTARIUS: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus heads into Leo in your publishing sector, where gorgeous ideas are percolating. The next few weeks look great for advancing your most beautiful ideas, publishing projects, collaborations, and presentations. Love is in the air, and is seeking expression through you.

CAPRICORN: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus, heads into Leo, grabs her golden lantern, and heads into the deepest sector of your chart, to nurture your beautiful soul with mighty love. Venus will also be shedding light on veins of precious gold, sparkling gems, and crystals in your depths, that represent buried the buried treasure of talents, passions and desires that it is time to retrieve and bring up to light to be shared by all

AQUARIUS: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus heads into radiant Leo in your partnership sector, where love is in the air. The next few weeks look great for your love life and for connecting heart to heart with partners and those you love most. Dare to follow your heart to your bliss.

PISCES: Today at 12:19 PM EDT, lovely Venus heads into Leo in your work and health sector, for weeks to come. Venus will be inspiring you to rise and shine at work with beauty, love, and devotion to your skill, your craft, or the task at hand. iI’s time to bring love into your day-to-day life and let it shine. 

Let it shine. Let it shine!