THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JULY 25TH: The Pisces Moon goes void at 10:31 AM EDT till 10:52 AM when she strides into Aries to nurture our courage, daring, and initiative to act on plans and visions. The Aries Moon and Leo Sun harmonize today making this an especially fruitful day for creative, romantic, and heart centered activities.

This evening at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury leaves Leo and heads into pristine and analytical Virgo, where he will retrograde on August 5th, to help clarify our thinking, organize ideas, and inspire our capacity to use our minds and our skills to be of loving service to others. Mercury in Virgo inspired brilliant diagnostic intelligence inviting us to analyze and organize all that keeps us healthy, radiant and fit. With the retrograde looming, it is wise to begin practicing verbal restraint now.

ARIES: The Moon strides confidently into your sign Aries, at 10:52 AM EDT today, nurturing your capacity to act on intelligent desires and strategies, while making time for your feelings and needs. Meanwhile, this evening. at 6:42 PM EDT Mercury leaves Leo, and heads into pristine Virgo in your work and health sector, inspiring your best analytical thinking on the job and regarding health, fitness, and nutrition. It’s time to get organized for success.

TAURUS: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, the Moon strides into Aries in your spiritual sector to nurture your inner spiritual warrior. It’s a beautiful day to practice self-discipline, especially regarding your spiritual practice and acting on your vision. Meanwhile, this evening at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury leaves Leo, and heads into Virgo in your creative sector of art, children and romance. It’s a beautiful day to begin analyzing, organizing, and enjoying works of art and acts of love, and some needed fun and recreation, especially in nature..

GEMINI: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, the Moon strides into Aries in your social sector, inviting you to take initiative when it comes to networking and your social life. Meanwhile, this evening at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury, your ruling planet, heads into Virgo in your home sector for weeks to come. It’s time to analyze and organize your domestic life, as you set your house in order on all levels.

CANCER: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, the Moon strides into Aries and right into your executive suite, to begin taking care of business, inspiring you to move towards success. Meanwhile at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury, heads into Virgo in your sector of mind, where she will retrograde in early August. It’s time to start analyzing and organizing your best ideas. It’s also a good time to analyze patterns of thought that need to be updated or deleted.

LEO: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, the Moon strides into Aries in your publishing sector, to nurture your capacity to act on brilliant ideas that you want to share with the world. Meanwhile at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury leaves your sign for the year Leo, and heads into Virgo in your fiscal sector to nurture your capacity to prosper. It’s time to analyze and organize your finances, and how to achieve prosperity.

VIRGO: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, the Moon strides into Aries in your deepest sector, to nurture your capacity for courageous soul-searching and initiating mergers that are mutually profitable. Meanwhile today at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury, your ruling planet, heads into your sign, brilliant and analytical Virgo, where he will retrograde on August 5. It’s time to begin analyzing and organizing ideas and analyzing thought patterns regarding your sense of self. Mercury is most brilliant in your sign beautiful Virgo, put your thinking cap on.

LIBRA: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, the Moon strides into Aries in your partnership sector, to nurture your capacity to take initiative regarding partnership. Meanwhile at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury leaves Leo for the year, and heads into pristine Virgo in your spiritual sector, where he will retrograde on August 5th. It’s time to connect with your higher mind, your devotional practice, and your dreams and visions by Divine Design. Small exquisite action wins the day.

SCORPIO: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, the Moon strides into Aries in your work and health sector, to nurture your capacity to roll up your sleeves and get the job done as you also get healthy and fit. Meanwhile. At 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury, heads into Virgo in your social sector, where he will retrograde on August 5th. It’s time to place your intelligent focus on your social life, friendships alliances, network building and collaborations.

SAGITTARIUS: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, the Moon strides into Aries in your creative sector, inviting you to take initiative when it comes to self expression and following your heart. Meanwhile at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury heads into Virgo in your career sector, where he will retrograde on August 5. It’s time to put your intelligent analytical and organizational focus on professional success, and the detailed work and organization required to achieve it.

CAPRICORN: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, the Moon strides into Aries in your home sector, to nurture your domestic desires and your capacity to effectively achieve them. Meanwhile, this evening at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury heads into Virgo in your publishing sector, where she will retrograde on August 5th. It’s time to analyze your beliefs for veracity, organize ideas to advance them, and generally prepare for success, especially regarding publishing projects.

AQUARIUS: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, Luna strides into Aries in your sector of mind, to nurture your capacity to speak directly and honestly as you advance bold, intelligent ideas and strategies. Meanwhile, this evening at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury heads into Virgo in your deepest sector, where he will retrograde on August 5th. it’s a beautiful time to dive deep and analyze your patterns of thought and ideas or plans that may requires some development or release.

PISCES: Today at 10:52 AM EDT, Luna strides into Aries in your fiscal sector, inspiring bold intelligent action to prosper and thrive. Meanwhile at 6:42 PM EDT, Mercury heads into Virgo in your partnership sector, where he will retrograde on August 5th. It’s time to analyze and organize ideas to be shared with partners or regarding partnership.