THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JULY 4TH: Happy Independence Day to All! Today we celebrate our country’s hard won independence from the crown, and the establishment of our beloved republic! Our Declaration of Independence will echo through the ages. Within it are enshrined principles of sacred Universal Law that defy imperialism and stand in stark contrast to it!: We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It’s a beautiful day to give thanks to the rebels who risked everything and dared to defy the oppression of empire and found a nation. May every blessing attend the brave souls and signers of The Declaration of Independence, to whom we owe a debt that can never be repaid.
Today, the moon continues her glide through winged Gemini the sign of intellect, inviting us to reflect on these beautiful principles of our founding and how to apply them in our lives. Luna will void in at 4:40 PM till 450 when she heads into Cancer, the sign of security, and the birth sign of the USA, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Cancer. It’s a beautiful night to reflect on the security provided to us by the founders and the principles that govern the Republic. Celebrate your freedom. Enjoy your independence. Follow your bliss, and make your sacred contribution!

ARIES: Today the Moon cruises through winged Gemini once again, inviting you to enjoy learning new things, cultivating your intelligence, wisdom and understanding, which is expanding by leaps and bounds this year. Luna goes briefly void from 4:44 PM EDT, till 4:51 PM when she glides into soulful Cancer in your home sector, calling you home to nest, rest, enjoy your family and recharge your battery.

TAURUS: The Moon continues her glide through winged Gemini in your fiscal sector, inviting you to continue developing brilliant profitable ideas that expand your life and your prosperity. Luna goes briefly void from 4:44 PM EDT till 4:51 PM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer and your sector of mind inviting you to incubate your most beautiful, fertile and soulful ideas, and approaches to communication.

GEMINI: The Moon continues her glide through winged Gemini in your sector of self, inviting you to enjoy another day of soulful self-care, nesting, resting and pursuing your favorite ideas and activities. At 4:44 PM EDT, Luna goes briefly void till 4:51 PM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer to nurture you and your material life. It’s a beautiful evening to spend some money on what will really take care of you, your home and family.

CANCER: The Moon continues her glide through winged Gemini, keeping the focus on your spiritual life, your highest consciousness and your most inspired thinking, dreams, and visions. Luna goes briefly void this afternoon from 4:44 PM EDT, till 4:51 PM EDT when she glides into your sign, soulful Cancer, to nurture you and your need for comfort, security and emotional peace. Delight in all that nurtures you this evening.

LEO: The Moon continues her glide through winged Gemini and your social sector today, nurturing your delight of social connection and sharing ideas with friends, allies, and colleagues. Today Luna goes briefly void from 4:44 PM till 4:51 PM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer in your inner ashram to nurture your connection to the Highest Love that is surrounding you, and cocooning you with love and care today. Open to that beautiful force, and the vision is Divine Love is dreaming up for you.

VIRGO: The Moon continues her glide through Gemini, winging her way through your sector of professional success and long-term goals, inviting you to cultivate intelligent plans for both. Luna goes briefly void from 4:44 PM till 4:51 PM EDT, when she glides into soulful Cancer in your social sector, inviting you into an evening of connecting with beloved friends, allies, and community. It’s a gorgeous evening to cocoon with them.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon is winging through your sector of the Higher Mind today, gliding hither and yon, in exploration of brilliant ideas and possibilities. Join her today and explore some beautiful new vistas and possibilities. At 4:44 PM EDT, Luna goes briefly void till 4:51 PM EDT, when she heads into Cancer, in your sector of career and success, inviting you into the beautiful lunar spotlight. It’s a gorgeous day to enjoy success on all levels.

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon is winging through your deepest sector again today, illuminating patterns that you are only now becoming aware of, so you can transmute them. It’s a beautiful day to continue to seek light on any subject where you feel in the dark. A great deal of light is available not only to spotlight patterns but to transmute them. At 4:44 PM EDT Luna goes briefly void till 4:51 PM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer in your sector of the higher mind to illuminate the path to emotional comfort, peace, and well-being.

SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon is winging through your partnership sector again today, illuminating the path to beautiful, brilliant, partnerships, and a new level of fairness and mutuality within them, that leads to happiness and success for all parties. Luna goes briefly void from 4:44 PM EDT, till 4:51 PM when she glides into soulful Cancer in your deepest sector, to help you transmute patterns that are ready to evolve, as you deepen with those you love.

CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon continues her glide through your sector of work and health, illuminating beautiful ideas, and the intelligent path to accomplishing them, and achieving success. Luna will go briefly void from 4:44 PM EDT, till 4:51 PM EDT when she glides into Cancer in your partnership sector, inviting you into a lovely evening for nurturing the relationships that mean the most to you.

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon is winging through your creative, romantic sector again today, like a hummingbird seeking out the sweetest nectar to enjoy. It’s another stellar day for following your bliss. Luna goes briefly void from 4:44 PM till 4:51 PM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer in your work and health sector, inviting you to, enjoy some domestic bliss this evening, attending to the little things that support your home life and your daily life.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon is winging through your home sector again today, illuminating the path to domestic bliss and harmony within your family. It’s a gorgeous day to celebrate with family and friends. Luna will go briefly void from 4:44 PM till 4:51 PM when she glides into soulful Cancer to nurture your need for romance, creativity, and recreation that delights your soul.