THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JUNE 13TH:  The waxing Moon continues her glide through Virgo, nurturing our love of purity, sacredness, and skillful devotion. It’s a beautiful day for cleaning clearing, cultivating health and honing our skills. Today the Virgo Moon will partner with Saturn in Pisces, inviting us to attend to the exquisite details of our most inspired dreams and visions, the ones that we are committed to, It’s a beautiful day to think about the dream you most want to manifest, and take action to achieve it this very day.

ARIES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of work and health again today, nurturing your capacity to get healthy, fit and successful by attending to the details that support health, wealth and success. Today Luna will partner with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to define the dreams your committed to. Take small exquisite practical actions to make your vision a reality.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your creativity, and your love of romance, and hobbies that excite and delight you. Today Luna partners with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to define the creative, romantic and collaborative dreams that you’re committed to, then connect with those who can help you achieve them.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your home sector as she grows, inviting you to nurture the family relationships that you want to see grow, as you set your home in pristine exquisite order. Today Luna partners with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to define your worldly or professional dreams, then take tiny practical actions to achieve them. From small things great things come.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon continues to wax through your mind, nurturing the ideas that you also want to see wax, grow, and blossom. Today, Luna partners with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to attend to your dreams, and projects that you’re committed to. Then focus the beam of your attention on them, and take many actions this day, to move your vision forward.

LEO: The Virgo Moon continues to wax through your fiscal sector, nurturing your financial life, material life, and your relationship to prosperity, which is waxing as the Moon is waxing. Today, Luna partners with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to define and crystallize the visions that you are committed to. Take the actions that will support them financially or materially.

VIRGO: The Moon continues to wax through your sector of self, nurturing you and your capacity for self-care, self acceptance and self kindness. It’s a gorgeous day to attend to your body, mind, and spirit. Luna will partner with Saturn in Pisces today, inviting you to reflect on the visions you are committed to achieving, with beloved business or personal partners. Act on those today.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon continues to wax through your spiritual sector, inviting you to stay connected to the Loving Source of your being through prayer, meditation, and blessing those around you with practical acts of kindness. Today the Virgo Moon will partner with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to define your vision for your day-to-day life, while crystallizing inspired visionary projects at work, then take small, practical, actions to achieve them.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon continues to wax through your social sector, nurturing your beloved friendships, and your connections to skillful, helpful people. Today the Virgo Moon will partner with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to crystallize the visions you are committed to. Then take steady practical action to achieve it.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon continues to wax through your career sector, where attention to detail and skillful service win the day. Today, Luna partners with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to bring your visionary expertise to work with you. Today being a big picture visionary, as well as someone who can nail the details, leads to big success.

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon continues to wax through your publishing sector of philosophy, beliefs, and higher education, inviting you to clarify your thinking, and test your beliefs using analytical intelligence. It’s another great day to advance your best and most brilliant ideas, projects, and presentations. Today Luna will partner with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to crystallize your brilliant visions, and advance them with practical action.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon continues to wax through your deepest sector, nurturing your capacity to release deeply entrenched emotional patterns that no longer serve you. It’s another gorgeous day to deepen with those you love. Luna will partner with Saturn in Pisces today, inviting you to get clear about your deepest desires, and how to manifest and finance the vision you are dreaming up

PISCES: The Virgo Moon continues to wax through your partnership sector, inviting you to nurture the relationships you also want to see grow and blossom. Today, Luna will partner with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to get clear about your vision for your life, and the part that partnerships play in it. Then begin moving forward to build relationships that align with your dreams.