THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JUNE 27TH: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture our spiritual enlightenment, highest love, and our most visionary consciousness. Today she confers harmoniously with a number of planets, including Mars, Saturn, Mercury, and Uranus. It’s a stellar day to crystallize and commit to our visions, advance them with action, and bring higher love and compassion into all communication, as we step into a higher level of being.

ARIES: The Pisces Moon continues her journey through your inner ashram today, nurturing your enlightenment, your dreams and your commitment to them. It’s a gorgeous day for visionary action. What vision are you willing to roll up your sleeves and get to work building manifesting or living?

TAURUS: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture your social life and the visionary collaborations and soulful friendships that you are committed to. It’s a gorgeous day to put your active focus there. Make time for the people you love and keep building your shared vision together.

GEMINI: The Pisces Moon continues her glide through your executive sector, where today she joins up with Saturn, the planet of executive success. It’s a beautiful day to crystallize your vision for professional success, and move it forward with steady, intelligent, executive visionary action. It’s time for something new when it comes to success.

CANCER: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture your higher mind with compassion, inspiration and true vision. Act on the dream project that call to you and won’t let go. Dare to step into a new level of creative expression. It has been said, if. you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. It’s a beautiful day to do something new to manifest your dream.

LEO: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture the depths of your soul, with the Heavenly love and inspired vision. Today, Luna will join up with Saturn way deep down, to remind you of the dreams that call to you and won’t let go. Act on them today. Or clear the way for them, then take action to move your dreams forward.

VIRGO: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture your vision for business or personal partnerships. Today, Luna joins up with Saturn in your partnership sector, inviting you to commit to those you love, or want to succeed with. It’s a great day to take steady practical action that demonstrates your commitment. It’s another stellar day to actively advance shared dreams with partners.

LIBRA: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture your health, happiness and vision for a life that nurtures your soul. It’s another beautiful day to commit to your work vision with steady practical visionary action. It’s also a lovely day to attend to your mental and physical well being.

SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture your creative life, inviting you to spend another day creating what calls to you most. If you’re confused about this, Luna will join up with Saturn to reinforce your commitment to visionary creative projects that ignite your heart and soul. Pay attention to your creative bliss and move toward it.

SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture your dreams and visions for your home life. Today Luna will join up with Saturn inviting you to crystallize your domestic vision and advance it with intelligent practical executive action. It’s another great day to clear domestic clutter. Clear the way for your sparkling vision for a home that nurtures you.

CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture your most visionary ideas and thinking. Today she joins up with Saturn, your ruling planet, inviting you to commit to your beloved vision with steady practical executive action. It’s a stellar day to step outside of your creative comfort zone and seek entirely new creative success.

AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture your capacity to finance, build, manifest, and live your most beloved vision. Today Luna will join up with Saturn, your ruling planet, inspiring you to crunch the numbers that will support your dreams and visions. Live them today in some measure. Enjoy living your dream. Invest in what delights your soul.

PiSCES: The Pisces Moon continues to nurture you, and the visionary consciousness you are famous for. Today Luna will join up with Saturn in your sector of self, inviting you to commit to yourself, and to the dreams that align with your authentic self, and your beautiful soul. Move your dreams forward today, by inches, feet, or light years.