ARIES: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your spiritual sector today, nurturing your conscious contact with Source, and your most beloved dreams. Luna will join up with Saturn, the planet of commitment in Pisces today, inviting you to crystallize your vision and take executive action to achieve it.
TAURUS: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your social sector, nurturing the community that is on your wavelength, and shares your dreams and visions. Today Luna will join up with Saturn inviting you to commit to your dream team, your beloved community, and your soul tribe.
GEMINI: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your career sector today, nurturing your vision for success and accomplishment. Today Luna will join up with Saturn, inspiring you to be the executive visionary you want to see succeeding in the world, and inspiring the world.
CANCER: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your sector of the higher mind, nurturing your faith, and the visions that call to you and won’t let go. Luna joins up with Saturn today, inspiring you to crystallize, clarify, and commit to the visions you intend to manifest while you are here on earth. It’s a beautiful day to move them forward with faith and joy.
LEO: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your deepest sector today, nurturing your deepest dreams, and your deepest capacity for love. It’s a beautiful day to contemplate what you are truly madly deeply committed to, in terms of dreams, love, and your spiritual life. Commit to that today, and take practical action to achieve it.
VIRGO: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your partnership sector today, nurturing your partnership with Divine Love, and with the business and romantic partners, who share your dreams and visions. It’s a gorgeous day to move partnerships forward. Take action with those you love, to create a life that you love.
LIBRA: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your sector of work, health, and service to others, inviting you into a day of attending to exquisite little details that serve what you love most in the world. Today Luna will join up with Saturn, reminding you of your deepest love, your truest commitments, and how to be of service through your calling.
SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your creative sector, nurturing your most beloved creative dreams, and visions. Today she joins up with Saturn, inviting you to deepen your commitment to your creativity with action executive planning, and scheduling time to advance your creative.
SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your home sector, nurturing your roots and your highest love of home, family and ancestors. Today Luna will join up with Saturn to nurture your commitment to your domestic vision and family life. Advance it with faith and action.
CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your mind like a joyful dolphin diving for sunken treasure. It’s a beautiful day to explore your most beautiful inspired visions today. Today Luna will join up with Saturn, to nurture your commitment to the dreams that flow through you and are seeking expression through you. Take practical action to advance them.
AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your fiscal sector, inspiring you to go with the flow when it comes to manifesting your vision, and nurturing profitable investments. Today, Luna joins up with Saturn, inspiring you to be wise fiscally, and get clear about precisely what you are investing in. It is a beautiful day to invest in your dreams.
PISCES: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your sector of self, surrounding you with highest love, compassion and care. It’s a beautiful day to nurture yourself and to nurture your dreams. Luna will join up with Saturn today, reminding you that you have bedrock executive intelligence required to make your dreams come true.