THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY MAY 30TH: The Pisces Moon is gliding through the day, nurturing our capacity to imagine, envision, then manifest our dreams. Everything begins as a vision. Today, Luna squares off with the Gemini Sun and Venus in Gemini, asking us to get clear about the logistics that will to clarify our dreams, and then get clear about the logistics that will help us manifest them, it’s a gorgeous day for dreaming and for intelligent visionary thinking. Rinse and repeat throughout the day.

ARIES: The Pisces Moon is gliding through the sacred waters of your spiritual sector, inviting you to pray, meditate, and also to dream and imagine the outcomes and visions that you seek to manifest. Luna will square off with the Sun and Venus in Gemini, inviting you to clarify and organize your thinking, and the strategies that will make your dreams come true.

TAURUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your social sector, stirring up your visions and dreams for soulful community, spiritually like-minded friendships and visionary collaborations. Luna will square off with Venus and the Sun in Gemini today, inviting you to get clear about the financial and material logistics about all you are dreaming up, manifesting and marketing.

GEMINI: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your executive sector of professional success today, stirring up your creative imagination and vision for the success that awaits you, as you work for it. Today, Luna squares off with the Sun and Venus in Gemini today, inviting you to explore the beautiful logistics of your true desires for success. Get clear, get ready for success.

CANCER: The Pisces Moon is nurturing your capacity for visionary, thinking, and brilliant imagination, which precedes all manifestation. Luna squares off with the Sun and Venus in Gemini, inviting you to reach up to your angels, ancestors, and the Loving Source of your being, for inspired instructions on the logistics of how to make your most beautiful dreams and visions a reality.

LEO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through the depths of your psyche, nurturing your deepest capacity for Higher Love, compassion, and forgiveness, while nurturing the deepest dreams that you may not be consciously aware of. Luna is squaring off with Venus and the Sun in Gemini, to nurture friendships alliances, and connections that will help you unearth the buried treasure of your dreams, and will help you to manifest them.

VIRGO: The Pisces Moon is in her dream canoe, paddling through your partnership sector, stirring up your vision for partnerships and the relationships you are committed to, including your relationship to Source. Today Luna will square off with Venus and the Sun in Gemini, reminding you of your gorgeous vision for success, and the actions and intelligent planning required to manifest them.

LIBRA: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of daily work and health, nurturing your dreams and visions for the daily life you would love to be living, while she also nurtures the exquisite details of work projects that you are dreaming up. Today, Luna squares off with the Sun and Venus, your ruling planet, currently in Gemini to nurture beautiful ideas for projects and presentations, that light your flame of love and joy of living in your beautiful heart.

SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your creative sector, stirring up your creative imagination and the visions that you were born to express and create. Today, Luna squares off with the Sun and Venus in Gemini, inviting you to explore the part that beautiful harmonious, mergers, and collaborations play in the manifestation of your creative dreams.

SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your home sector, stirring up your dreams and visions for your domestic life and your relationship with family and loving ancestors. Today the Gemini Sun and Venus will square off with the Pisces Moon, inspiring you to cultivate the loving, fair and beautiful partnerships that will help you manifest your beloved dreams.

CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your mind, stirring up your imagination, awakening your most beloved dreams and visions. Today Luna will square off with the Sun and Venus in Gemini to nurture the logistics and beautiful, detailed, practical action and relationships required to make your dreams come true.

AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your material sector, stirring up your visions and your capacity to manifest them materially, including your vision for prosperity. Today, Luna squares off with the Sun and Venus in Gemini, inviting you to clarify your vision for your romantic, recreational and creative life. Advance that vision, this very day.

PISCES: The Pisces Moon is surrounding you with her nurturing, love and light, awakening your Highest Love, deepest compassion, and your personal dreams that you were born to manifest. Today Luna will square off with the Sun and Venus in Gemini, inviting you to get clear about the logistics of domestic plans and family plans that are part of your larger vision.