THE DAILY PLANET – THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2ND: The Sun, Mercury, and Mars continue to illuminate our emotional depths, and the path to empowering transformation, as they travel through Scorpio, the sign of alchemy and change. Today Luna continues her journey through soulful, maternal Cancer, inviting us to nurture the changes that will give us emotional security and domestic comfort in the long run. The Scorpio Sun and Cancer Moon are harmonizing today, nurturing our capacity to check in with our feelings and needs, and make some sacred space for them. It’s a beautiful day to reach out to those with whom you can truly share your deepest feelings. It’s also a gorgeous day to advance mutually profitable mergers.

ARIES: The Sun, Mercury, and Mars continue their journey through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, illuminating the path to empowerment, transformation, and a deeper level of intimacy, Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer, continues to nurture your home and family life, and your connection to your roots. it’s a stellar day to release family and ancestral patterns that stand in the way of who you are becoming as you celebrate and carry forth the very best of your family legacy.

TAURUS: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your partnership sector, illuminating the path to mutually profitable mergers with business partners and deeper intimacy, with personal partners. Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer continues to nurture your most brilliant and beloved ideas along with your capacity to nurture them and gently move them along. It’s a stellar day to do just that.

GEMINI: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your sector of work and health, illuminating the path to health, well-being and empowering success at work. It’s a stellar day to declutter on all levels and clear the way to success. Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer continues to nurture your most fertile and profitable ideas that it’s a perfect day to advance.

CANCER: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your creative sector of art, children and romance, illuminating the path to love, and creative fulfillment, Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer, continues to nurture you and your capacity for healing, self-care, and empowering changes that you’d like to make. Tt’s a stellar day for self love, self-care, self acceptance.

LEO: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your home and family sector, illuminating the path to empowerment on the home front, that allows you to release what no longer serves you within family patterns and step into beautiful new dynamics, Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer continues to nurture your capacity to open to the love that is streaming down to you from the Heavens. Allow angelic Grace to mother you today.

VIRGO: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your sector of mind, illuminating the path to empowering transformation of mental and emotional patterns that lead s to new success, happiness and fulfillment. Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer, continues to nurture your capacity to create a beautiful, supportive, social life for yourself. It’s a gorgeous day to reach out to loving friends and allies. Enjoy some soulful collaboration.

LIBRA: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your fiscal sector, illuminating the path to deepening self-worth, and financial empowerment. Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer, continues to nurture your domestic and professional success. Act to advance both today.

SCORPIO: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your sector of self , illuminating the path to empowering transformation and your capacity to rise and shine like the fabled phoenix! Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer, continues to nurture your most brilliant ideas, publishing projects, and presentations, inviting you to work on them today, as you release beliefs that stand in the way of knowing your inestimable self-worth.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your spiritual sector, illuminating the path to empowerment and positive change, which comes from strengthening your conscious connection to Source, Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer continues to nurture your  connection to your roots and your ancestors who are sending you waves of nurturing love from the other side of the veil.

CAPRICORN: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your social sector, illuminating the path to empowering friendships and alliances, which it is a great day to advance. Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer continues to nurture your capacity for partnerships that are mutually empowering and deeply nurturing. It’s a stellar day for your social life! Delight in the company of friends, allies, and loved ones.

AQUARIUS: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your career sector, illuminating the path to professional success, and an empowering public life. Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer continues to nurture your capacity to attend to the nuts and bolts of daily life, and the details that support your inner peace and your domestic bliss

PISCES: The Sun, Mercury and Mars continue their journey through your sector of the higher mind, publishing, and higher learning, illuminating the path to empowering projects, wisdom and true beliefs that empower you. Meanwhile, the Moon in soulful Cancer continues to nurture your creativity and your capacity for self-expression and your need for recreational delight. Follow your heart and soul through the day…