THE DAILY PLANET – THURSDAY 19TH: the Aries moon is striding through the day with with Joy for courage in her heart and a victory song on her lips. Today she harmonizes with massive Jupiter to expand our thinking about big brilliant Victoria possibilities and the strategies that will achieve success. She also partners with lovely Venus and libra giving us an early taste of the equinox energy that nurtures need for exquisite, beauty, sublime, balance, and gorgeous reciprocity within relationships. It’s a beautiful day to prepare for fall and put our best foot forward on the dance floor of life.

ARIES: the moon is stings through your sign again today. Aries nurturing your biggest most expensive ideas and your most beautiful relationships. It’s a gorgeous day to cultivate poise balance, and the relationships that bring you joy as we head into the fall

TAURUS: the Aries moon is striding through your spiritual sector with a beautiful mantra on her lips that strengthens your inner spiritual warrior. It’s a stellar day to advance big brilliant, profitable ideas that could be game changers and nurture the beautiful exquisite relationships that mean the most to you

GEMINI: the Aries moon is striding through your social sector, courageously moving through any social anxiety and daring to expand your social network. It’s a stellar day to think bigger about yourself your network and your capacity to be authentic with beloved friends, allies and community. Luna is also partnering with lovely Venus and Libra inviting you to enjoy gorgeous, creativity, collaborations, and romance

CANCER: the Aries moon is striding through your career sector, nurturing your capacity to fearlessly climb towards success with the victory song on your lips. Today, Luna has you thinking bigger than ever before as she collaborates with massive Jupiter about your success. She also harmonizes with lovely Venus and libra inviting you to balance and domestic partnerships in bloom

LEO: the Aries moon is striding through your publishing sector again today inviting you to roll up your sleeves and put some muscle into the project presentations and ideas that you love most. It’s a gorgeous day to think big with friends and allies about expanding your network. It’s also a stellar day to advance your most exquisite and beautiful and relationships

VIRGO: the Aries moon is striding through your deepest sector, nurturing your capacity to be vulnerable with those love and to advance mergers that may require some courage and initiative on your part. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, inviting you to think much bigger about success. She also harmonizes with Venus and libra inviting you to cultivate profitable projects and partnerships.

LIBRA: the Aries moon is striding through your partnership sector again today, putting her best foot forward on the dance floor of life. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter and Gemini, inviting you to think much bigger about creative possibilities and partnerships. She ends her harmonizing with lovely Venus, your ruling planet, your sign Libra, inviting you to remember how much beauty and talent you bring to any relationship?

SCORPIO: the Aries moon is striding through your work and health sector again today, inspiring you to roll up your sleeves again and create the order and attention to detail that lead inevitably to success. Today, Luna harmonizes with massive Jupiter, inviting you to think bigger about mergers and joint financial enterprises, she ends partnering with lovely Venus Libra, inviting you to partner with the divine will assuring visionary, success, and spiritual fulfillment

SAGITTARIUS: Aries moon is striding through your creative sector in your capacity to act on creative inspiration ideas and impulses. Today she harmonizes with massive Jupiter and Gemini, to expand your thinking, especially about creative partnerships. She ends her day harmonizing partnering with Venus and libra inviting you to nurture friendships, alliances, and group affiliations that nurture your soul and your in our artist

CAPRICORN: the Aries moon is riding through your home sector again today like a tornado of cleaning clearing and organizing energy that prepares you beautifully for the fall season. Today, Luna harmonizes with massive Jupiter and Gemini inviting you to think bigger about domestic and work possibilities. Travel may be involved, she ends her day partnering with lovely Venus in libra in your career sector, inviting you to explore exquisite partnerships that could be mutually profitable and lead to success

AQUARIUS: the Aries moon is striding through your mind helping you organize ideas, plans and strategies that lead to success. Join her it’s a great day to develop your best ideas and strategies especially big ones that get you sinking way outside the box about your romantic and recreational life. Luna ends her day harmonizing with partnering with Venus and Libra inviting you to entertain ideas about partnership

PISCES: the Aries moon is striding through your fiscal sector, inviting you to develop market or monetize brilliant ideas. It’s a stellar day to think bigger about profitable possibilities especially regarding Home and family. Luna ends her day partnering with Venus in Libra inviting you to dare to deepen with those you love and dare to advance mergers that might feel a little scary.
Weigh your options first and if things feel fair and balanced, proceeded