THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26TH: Today as the moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer, Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, leaves Virgo and heads into Libra at 4:09 AM EDT. Mercury will be inviting us to seek balance in our thinking and our emotional states, as he travels through the sign of the scales. It’s a beautiful time to advance beautiful ideas, partnerships, and informed by beauty fairness and justice. Luna goes void at 6:12 PM till 6:47 PM EDT when she heads into radiant expressive Leo to nurture our courage and creativity.

ARIES: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury the planet of thought, heads into Libra in your partnership sector, to nurture your most fair and balanced thinking about business or romantic partnerships for weeks to come. Meanwhile, the Moon will be nurturing your home and family life as she travels through Cancer. At 6:12 PM EDT she goes void till 6:47 PM EDT when she heads into Leo to nurture your romantic and creative power and passion.

TAURUS: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury heads into Libra in your work and health sector to nurture your most balanced and beautiful thinking about work projects, partnerships, health routines, and how to be balanced in body mind and spirit for weeks to come. Luna spends the day in Cancer nurturing your need for emotional security. At 6:12 PM EDT, she goes void till 6:47 PM EDT when she heads into Leo to bring warmth and love into your home.

GEMINI: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury your ruling planet, heads into Libra in your sector of art, love and romance to nurture your most exquisite creative ideas, and your most beautiful thinking about love and romance for weeks to come. Luna continues to nurture brilliant profitable ideas all day as she glides through Cancer. At  6:12 PM EDT she goes void till 6:47 PM, when she glides into Leo to nurture creative ideas in your brilliant mind.

CANCER: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury heads into Libra in your home sector, nurturing your most diplomatic thinking, and communication with your family for weeks to come. It’s also a great time for your most beautiful nesting ideas. Meanwhile, the Moon continues her glide through your sign Cancer, inviting you into another day of attending to your feelings and needs. At 6:12 PM.EDT. Luna goes void till 647 when she heads into Leo to nurture your most profitable thinking.

LEO: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury heads into Libra in your sector of mind where he will be inspiring your most brilliant, diplomatic and balanced fair thinking and communicating for weeks to come. Meanwhile, the Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer nurturing, your need for spiritual sustenance. At 6:12 PM she goes void till 6:47 when she glides into Leo to nurture you and the love in your mighty heart.

VIRGO: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT Mercury heads into lovely Libra in your fiscal sector where he will be inspiring gorgeous profitable ideas and partnerships for weeks to come. Meanwhile, Luna continues to nurture your friendships and alliances at 6:12 PM EDT, she goes void till 6:47 PM when she heads into Leo to nurture your need for spiritual love to surround you and support you.

LIBRA: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury heads into lovely libra in your sector of self, where he will be nurturing your most beautiful, fair and balanced thinking and communicating about yourself and within partnerships for weeks to come. Meanwhile, the Moon in Cancer continues her glide through your career sector, nurturing your power to shine professionally. At 6:12 PM EDT, she goes void till 6:47 PM when she heads into Leo to nurture your love centered social life.

SCORPIO: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury heads into Libra in your spiritual sector where he will be inspiring Divinely Guided, balanced, spiritual, thinking and greater spiritual peace and enlightenment in your mind for weeks to come. Meanwhile, the Moon in Cancer continues to nurture your most brilliant ideas. At 6:12 PM. EDT, she goes void till 6:47 PM when she heads into Leo to nurture your need for professional success and fulfillment..

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury heads into Libra in your social sector, where he will be inspiring brilliant ideas to share with friends, colleagues, artists and community for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Moon in Cancer continues to nurture your deepest feelings and the relationships that support them, and allow them. At 6:12 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 6:47 PM, when she heads into Leo to nurture your most brilliant creative ideas.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury heads into Libra in your career sector, where he will be nurturing your most brilliant, balanced, beautiful communication within professional partnerships, and regarding ideas that can move your career forward. Today Luna is still in your partnership sector in Cancer, nurturing all of the partnerships in your life. At 6:12 PM EDT she goes void till 6:47 PM when she heads into Leo to nurture the depth of your love

AQUARIUS: This morning at 4:09 AM EDT Mercury heads into Libra in your publishing sector, where she will be inspiring your most beautiful balanced, diplomatic, expression of ideas, and products or presentations for weeks to come. Meanwhile today, the Moon in Cancer continues to nurture your capacity to get the little things done that support bigger things. At 6:12 PM EDT she goes void till 6:47 PM when she heads into Leo to nurture your need for warm, loving relationships.

PISCES: This morning at 4:08 AM EDT, Mercury heads into Libra in your deepest sector where she will be nurturing a new capacity for deep peace and deepening intimacy within fair and balanced relationships. Meanwhile, the Moon goes void in soulful Cancer at 6:12 PM EDT, till 6:47 PM when she heads into Leo to nurture your power to express yourself in healthy, beautiful ways.