THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5TH: The Libra Moon is waxing through the day, nurturing our capacity for fairness, peace, and poise. This morning at dawn the Libra Moon joins up with beautiful Venus also in Libra, one of her home signs, to nurture our most breathtaking expressions of beauty, graciousness in love, and fairness in all things. It’s a beautiful day to start practicing for the Autumn Equinox. Be the beauty, the fairness, the kindness, the peace, the poise, and the harmony you want to see in the world. Be Peace in a world of conflict. 

ARIES: The Libra Moon is cruising through your partnership sector, where this morning she will join up with lovely Venus to nurture the love, beauty and Grace within your committed relationships. It’s a beautiful day to be an agent of love and fairness as you advance the relationships that mean the most to you. Find your inner peace and let it inform all interactions.

TAURUS: The Libra Moon is waxing through your work and health sector today, nurturing your mental peace, your verbal poise, and the health and well-being that also comes from a balanced body. It’s a gorgeous day to forge ahead with gorgeous work alliances as Luna and Venus join forces. Today, love, beauty, graciousness, and fairness are your best calling cards.

GEMINI: The Libra Moon is waxing through your creative sector, nurturing your most gorgeous romantic plans and creative expressions. Today Luna joins up with lovely Venus to amp up the power of beauty, love and your capacity to express both exquisitely.

CANCER: The Libra Moon is waxing through your home sector, where today she joins up with lovely Venus, to nurture your capacity to create breathtaking beauty in your home and loving harmony within your family. It’s a gorgeous day to open your door and invite love to come bless every corner of your house.

LEO: The Libra Moon is waxing through your mind, where today she will join up with lovely Venus to consecrate your thinking and dedicate it to love and your most gorgeous message and ideas. It is as though you’re a walking Valentine today, speaking the language of love fluently.

VIRGO: The Libra Moon is waxing through your fiscal sector today, inviting you to begin developing, advancing, or exploring mutually profitable, partnerships, and gorgeous ideas that you’d love to market and monetize. Today Luna joins up with lovely Venus, inviting you to meditate on the beauty you love and most, and how to manifest it, share it with the world, and profit from it.

LIBRA: The Libra Moon is waxing through your sign and your sector of self, nurturing your inner peace and outer poise. Today she joins up with Venus, your ruling planet. It is a gorgeous day for you, Libra. You are called to be an agent of exquisite, beauty, gracious poise, and fairness in all things, as you delight in the relationships that mean the most to you. Put your best foot forward, and make time for some exquisite self-care

SCORPIO: The Libra Moon is cruising through your spiritual sector, nurturing your sublime sense of peace. Today she joins up with lovely Venus to nurture your highest capacity for love, your relationship to Divine Love and your vision for partnerships in your life. It’s a beautiful day to seek fairness and reciprocity within all relationships. Let love rule within you.

SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon is cruising through your social sector, where today she joins up with lovely Venus to nurture your most beautiful friendships, alliances, and group connections. It’s a stellar day for artful, gorgeous, collaborations as well. Be the artist you were meant to be. Delight in building a social life that’s nurtures and sustains you.

CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon is cruising through your career sector, where today she joins up with lovely Venus to nurture the most beautiful professional relationships, projects, and enterprises that it’s time to advance or develop. It’s a gorgeous day for partnership and collaboration. Love and bounty are in the air and both are leading you to success.

AQUARIUS: The Libra Moon is cruising through your publishing sector, where today she joins up with beautiful Venus to nurture your most beautiful and gorgeous ideas. It’s a stellar day to seek love, beauty, and gorgeous adventure. Love is quite an adventure. Keep your eye out for it.

PISCES: The Libra Moon is cruising through your deepest sector, where today she joins up with lovely Venus, to nurture your deepest capacity for love, true intimacy, and deep sharing within business relationships. It’s a gorgeous day to manifest, monetize, and your market your most gorgeous ideas. Today partnership is one key to success.