THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH: The Gemini Moon keeps the nurturing focus on our patterns of thought and feeling, inspiring us to release disempowering patterns of thought that lead to emotional distress. Today the Gemini Moon flies above such patterns to give us a higher perspective as she nurtures our connection to our higher self and ideas that make a strong and remind us of our sacred worth. Today Luna is also flying above the river of sacred dreams today, inspiring us to reconnect with our visions by Divine Desire and release what no longer applies.

ARIES: The Gemini Moon is flying above your sector of mind, giving you a higher perspective on ideas you are reviewing and patterns of through or feeling that you need to release as well as those you would love to nurture and reinforce. Today Luna  is also flying above your dreams calling you back to some, inspiring you to release others.

TAURUS: The Gemini Moon is flying above your fiscal sector, giving you a higher perspective on profitable ideas while inspiring you to release mental and emotional patterns that block prosperity. Today Luna is also flying above your dreams of spiritual community and visionary collaboration. It’s a great day to release some visions and commit to others.

GEMINI: The Gemini Moon is flying above your sector of self, giving you a higher perspective on your self, your feelings and your needs. It’s a great day to release disempowering self talk and commit to self appreciation. Today Luna is also flying above your dreams and visions for you career and long term happiness. Release those that no longer apply. Commit to your true bliss!

CANCER: The Gemini Moon is flying above your sector of dreams and visions, giving you a higher perspective on ideas and dreams that still call to you and those it is time to release. Today Luna is also flying above your sector of publishing, faith and presentations, to give you a higher perspective on them and the logistics required to achieve them.

LEO: The Gemini Moon is flying above your social life, giving you a higher perspective on friendships, alliances, networking efforts and your connection to community. Today Luna is also flying above your deepest dreams shedding light on your deepest longings and the visions that are yours by Divine Design. It’s a beautiful day to open to the Sacred Vision that is seeking you. Pray. Meditate. Seek visionary guidance.

VIRGO: The Gemini Moon is flying above your executive suite, giving you a higher perspective on professional success, and the ideas and goals that will nurture it. Today Luna is also flying above your your dreams for visionary partnerships, inspiring you to release visions that no longer apply, and commit to those that nurture your soul, and your most beloved dreams.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon is flying above your publishing sector, giving you a higher perspective on brilliant ideas you are entertaining, while illuminating false and disempowering beliefs it is time to jettison. Today Luna is also flying above your dreams and visionary projects. Review them and reflect on what it will take to achieve them.

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon is flying above your deepest patterns of thought and feeling, giving you a higher perspective on patterns that it is time to dissolve and empowering patterns it is time to reinforce and commit to. Today Luna is also flying above your creative dreams, calling you back to beloved visions, while inspiring you to release those that no longer apply.

SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon is flying above your, partnership sector, giving you a higher perspective on business and personal partnership dynamics. Today Luna also is flying above your your beloved dreams for your home life and family. It’s a great day to reconnect with the sacred vision you are committed to and release everything else.

CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon is flying above your work and health sector, giving you a higher perspective on your work life and daily routines as she goes. It’s a great day to commit to work habits and health routines that support your daily success and well being. Today Luna also is flying above your the river of dreams flowing through your brilliant mind. Explore your dreams from a higher perspective. Take note of your passion and where your commitment truly lies.

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon is flying above your creative sector, giving you a higher perspective on romance, recreation and creative ideas that are calling. It’s a beautiful day to notice what brings you joy and do more of that! Today Luna is also flying above your fiscal/material sector, inviting you to take a realistic view at financial goals, material plans and all you are committed to investing, monetizing or manifesting.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon is flying above your home sector, giving you a higher perspective on ancestral patterns it’s time to release and those you remain committed to. Today Luna is also flying above your beloved dreams, inviting you to use discernment and commit to the viable dreams that truly nurture your soul.