THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY DECEMBER 21ST:  A Blessed Winter Solstice to All! The day begins with the Moon going void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, for much of the day, inspiring quiet soulful reflection till late this afternoon at 4:54 PM EST when Luna heads into Leo to nurture the love, strength and power in our mighty hearts.

Meanwhile today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun heads into Capricorn for the winter solstice as winter officially begins. Today is the longest night and shortest day of the year, as the tide of night reaches its highest ebb. After today the days will slowly lengthen by moments till the spring equinox when day and night balance once again. The Solstice chart is the birthday chart for the entire winter season and gives us celestial direction for the next 3 months.

The Capricorn Sun illuminates our most serious commitments, goals and responsibilities, while reminding us that time and attention are the price we pay for mastery and success in any endeavor.

In the Winter Solstice chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Capricorn Sun occupies the career sector of high honors and success, the sector that Capricorn rules, calling us to focus brightly on our success this winter.

Today the Sun joins Mercury, Pluto and Venus who occupy later degrees of Capricorn and are all found in the social sector of the DC chart. Mercury at 12 degrees Capricorn, keeps our mental focus on our executive intelligence and our disciplined attention on long term goals this winter, especially regarding networking, and community building. Lovely Venus who just stationed retrograde, is traveling in a tight embrace with Powerful Pluto, inspiring a winter of beautiful transformation within ourselves, our values, our commitments, goals and relationships. 

The Moon is in Cancer in the creative sector, opposing Venus in Capricorn in the social sector, indicating that this could be a very fertile winter for ensemble creative efforts. Mars the planetary warrior, wields the Sagittarius bow from the philosophical sector of the chart, inspiring us to hit the mark of desired ideas, goals and publishing projects as we seek empirical facts and truth guided by the rational north node in Gemini, in the sector of thought and communication.

Evolutionary Uranus is occupying the fiscal sector of the chart in harmony with Mercury in Capricorn, calling us to earn outside the box this winter as we explore new streams of income.

The chart is Pisces rising calling us to pursue our enlightenment and our dreams this winter. Neptune in the identity sector echoes this visionary theme, while Chiron in Aries keeps the focus on healing our sense of self. Massive Jupiter is kissing the ascendant from the spiritual sector of the chart, indicating that big dreams are forming and are preparing to be born with a little help from our friends this winter. Responsible Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and the Solstice Sun, is also in the spiritual sector in liberating Aquarius, calling us to commit to our spiritual practice this winter with discipline and devotion. It will lead us to our soul tribe and to the manifestation of our authentic, liberating visions.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your career sector, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of weighty focus on success as you advance and review long term goals and relationship commitments. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer in your home sector, at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring reflection and all forms of housekeeping till 4: 54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture your wild, loving and generous heart.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your publishing sector of higher learning, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of philosophical reflection, reversals and disciplined focus on your mission and your message. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring quiet mental reflection till 4: 54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture the warmth in your home life.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of deep inner reflection and empowering transformation, calling you to explore mergers and your closest relationships. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of reflection and organizing, till 4: 54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture your innate brilliance.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your partnership sector, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of deep reflection, review and reconsideration of your partnerships and a new level of beautiful empowerment within them. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of self care and reflection till 4: 54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture your capacity to prosper and thrive.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your work and health sector, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of focused attention on disciplined work habits, health practices, and the projects and goals you love and value enough to commit to. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of visionary reflection and meditation till 4: 54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture you and your legendary heart.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your creative sector of art and children, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector, inspiring a winter of focused attention and reflection on creative partnerships and goals that are up for review and transformation. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring reflection on your social life till 4: 54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture your soul and your golden vision.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your home sector, and winter officially begins.The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of focused attention, reflection and transformation regarding your beloved home and family life. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring executive reflection till 4:54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture your love of friends and allies.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your sector of mind, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of focused attention on executive goals as you discipline your mind and review or restructure your gorgeous plans for success. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring a day of philosophical reflection till 4:54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture your relationship to golden success.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your fiscal sector, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of focused attention on financial success and materializing some goals while reviewing and transforming others. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer today at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring deep reflection regarding mergers till 4: 54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture your best ideas.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your sector of self, and winter officially begins, along with your birthday season!. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of brilliant focus on ideas and goals that you are committed to as you explore a new empowering love for yourself and approach to self expression and beautiful relationships. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring reflection on your partnership dynamics till 4:54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture your heart’s true desires.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your spiritual sector, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of focused attention on your dreams and visions as your approach to relationship beautifully transforms. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring reflection and organizing till 4: 54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture your heart centered relationships.

Today at 10:59 AM EST, the Sun enters Capricorn in your social sector, and winter officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury in Capricorn, as well as Venus retrograde who is traveling with Pluto in this sector inspiring a winter of focused attention on long term goals for collaboration and group activities as you beautifully transform your approach to friendship, team work and beloved community. Meanwhile the Moon goes void in Cancer at 9:44 AM EST, inspiring reflection till 4:54 PM EST when she glides into Leo to nurture the love in your heart.