THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY DECEMBER 7TH: The Moon glides into Aquarius at 6:49 AM EST, and begins to explore the elevating heights of consiousness that Aquarius awakens in us. It’s a beautiful day to lift our gaze and our consciousness upward. Higher Guidance is available today to liberate us from false ideas, beliefs or self defeating emotional patterns. 

It’s a stellar day to commit to freedom which always begins in the mind. Where do you most need mental liberation? Tonight Luna and Saturn merge forces to strengthen our commitment to the freedom that is our birthright, and the unfettered expression of our authentic self. Be yourself today. No one else can.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your social sector at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture your need for friends, allies and community you can authentically connect with. Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, to nurture your capacity to commit to friends, collaborations and group efforts that are on your increasingly elevated wave length.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your career sector at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture your most brilliant and elevated approaches to success today. Advance your inspired goals. Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, to nurture your commitment to authentic success and the allies required to achieve it.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your philosophical sector at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture your mental freedom by helping you break the chains of false beliefs that are holding you back. Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring your elevated commitment to Truth, wherever it may lead.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your sector of emotional depths and mergers, at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture your deep down liberation from emotional patterns that stand in the way of true intimacy and authentic connection with others. Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring your commitment to your deep inner liberation and the success and fulfillment it leads to.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your partnership sector at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture your capacity for authentic relationships that you can bring your true self to. It’s a great day to advance partnerships and alliances on your wavelength. Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, nurturing your commitment to authentic dynamics within all relationships

The Aquarius Moon glides into your sector of work and health at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture a more liberating approach to work and to practices that support your well being.  Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, to nurture your commitment to a new freedom, a new happiness and a new approach to success.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your creative sector at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture your freedom of expression and native genius. It’s a great day to let your inner artist experiment and have fun!  Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, nurturing your commitment to your creativity and the projects that bring your heart joy!

The Aquarius Moon glides into your home sector at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture a new freedom and authentic expression within your home and family life. Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, to nurture your commitment to new authentic dynamics within your family that begin with healthy boundaries.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your sector of mind at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture your genius and your freedom from oppressive emotional and mental patterns. It’s a stellar day to advance your most innovative and brilliant ideas and projects.Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, to nurture your commitment to a new freedom of thought and communication.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your fiscal sector at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture your financial freedom, while inspiring new approaches to your material life and success. Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, to nurture your commitment to your financial freedom. Think outside the box.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your sector of self  at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture your authentic self and the relationships and alliances in which you can be yourself. Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, to nurture your commitment to your freedom, and your authentic pursuit of happiness.

The Aquarius Moon glides into your spiritual sector at 6:49 AM EST, to nurture the liberation that comes from true spiritual awakening. Tonight Luna merges forces with Saturn in Aquarius, to nurture your commitment to your enlightenment and the devotional practices that support it. Meditate, then act on the Higher Guidance you receive.