The Libra Moon is waxing through the day trailing streams of beauty, love and peace in her exquisite wake, Be like Luna, cultivate peace and poise as you nurture yourself and others with all forms of beauty today. Luna will harmonize with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius this afternoon, inspiring us to reconnect with friends, groups, allies and communities that nurture our sense of beauty and reciprocity. It’s a stellar day to advance gorgeous collaborations with partners or groups. Tonight the Libra Moon merges forces with Mercury, to nurture our most beautiful, poised, and loving communication.
ARIES: The Libra Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing your romantic and professional relationships as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring beautiful possibilities for group affiliations and collaborations as well. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture your fluency in the language of love. Practice makes perfect.
TAURUS: The Libra Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, nurturing beauty and reciprocity within your work relationships and peace within your mind and body as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring you to reconnect with or reconsider professional partnerships, or how they are structured. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture beautiful harmonious ideas and communication that it’s time to advance.
GEMINI: The Libra Moon is gliding through your sector of art and romance, nurturing your most exquisite creative and romantic expression as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, calling you to review ideas, beliefs and social commitments that may require reconsideration. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture your most beautiful ideas especially regarding the written or spoken word. Let love inform your tongue and pen.
CANCER: The Libra Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing your deep inner peace and harmony within your home, as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring a great day for exploring possible mergers and freeing yourself from outworn conditioning. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture your most beautiful ideas for a gorgeous harmonious domestic life.
LEO: The Libra Moon is gliding through your mind, nurturing mental peace and poise, along with your most gorgeous thinking as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring you to advance or revise partnerships, making needed adjustments to existing relationships or attachment patterns.The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture your most beautiful, balanced and fair thinking along with beautiful ideas that it is time to advance.
VIRGO: The Libra Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your capacity to manifest and market beautiful, profitable ideas as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring you to reflect on ideas and group efforts that could improve your success at work. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture your peace and prosperity. Advance relationships and enterprises that support both!
LIBRA: The Libra Moon is gliding through your sector of self, nurturing your soul’s peace and happiness as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring a review of or return to beautiful creative collaborations and delightful recreational activities. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture your most beautiful think about yourself, and communication with yourself. How loving and kind can you be toward yourself today?
SCORPIO: The Libra Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, nurturing your inner peace and stillness as she goes. It’s a great day for prayer, meditation and sending blessings to the world. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, calling you back to a home life that works for you as you release disempowring ancestral patterns. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture your Divinely Inspired thinking and the vision that arises from it.
SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing your friendships, collaborations and group affiliations as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring a review of professional ideas and how they are structured. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture beautiful, fair, harmonious ideas and communication with friends and allies.
CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon is gliding through your career sector, nurturing your capacity for gorgeous success as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring review or reconnection of group efforts that could lead to mutual profit. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture brilliant and beautiful ideas for professional partnerships that nurture mutual harmonious success.
AQUARIUS: The Libra Moon is gliding through your publishing sector, nurturing your most beautiful and balanced beliefs and ideas as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring a review of ideas and relationships you are committed to that may need some tweaking. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture your capacity
PISCES: The Libra Moon is gliding through your sector of depths and mergers, nurturing your deepest sense of peace and your deepest need for soulful connection as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde, inspiring a review of your dreams and the people required to achieve them. The Libra Moon ends her day merging forces with Mercury to nurture your capacity for deep and beautiful communication with those you love.