THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY AUGUST 20TH: The Pisces Moon begins her waning journey after yesterday‘s Full Moon in Aquarius. Today Luna is nurturing our spirituality, while helping release all that no longer serves us into the outgoing lunar tide. Tonight the Pisces Moon will join up with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting us to get clear about the dreams and visionary ideas we are committed to. It’s a stellar day to gently release whatever is standing in the way of our dreams to clear the way for them.

ARIES: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, inviting you to connect with the Gracious Source of your life and your dreams. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn, the executive planet, in your spiritual sector, inviting you into a day of visionary action and reflection It’s time to reconnect with your dreams and commit to your vision.

TAURUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your social sector as she wanes, nurturing your friendships, alliances and capacity for visionary networking. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to deepen your commitment to your dreams and to the network that will help you achieve them.

GEMINI: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your career sector today, nurturing the professional visions you are committed to, while inviting you to release whatever stands in their way. Tonight, Luna will join up with executive Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to deepen your commitment, throughout the day, to the dreams and visionary success you are committed to.

CANCER: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your higher mind, nurturing inspired ideas, deepening faith, and visions that you can commit to. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to deepen your commitment to the dreams that it’s time to commit to, and advance.

LEO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your deepest sector, nurturing your desire for spiritual union with the Source of your being, and to connect with the dreams that are yours by Divine Design. Tonight, Luna will join up with Saturn retrograde in this sector, reminding you of the visions that your soul is deeply committed to. Pay attention to them.

VIRGO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, inviting you into a partnership with the Source of your dreams and the visions that inspire you. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn in this sector, reminding you of the relationships that you are truly, deeply committed to. Pursue them today as you strengthen your relationship to Source.

LIBRA: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your work and health sector today, reminding you of inspired ideas, visionary projects, and daily habits that nurture your soul and float your boat. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn retrograde in Pisces in this sector, inviting you to commit to a daily life and inspired work, that you enjoy waking up to each day.

SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your creative sector today, nurturing your most inspired creative ideas and desires. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to recommit to your creative bliss and your romantic desires, by devoting time, intention and energy to what you love most.

SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your home sector today, nurturing your most beloved dreams for your home, family, and your connection to your roots. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn retrograde in Pisces ,inviting you to commit to your vision for your home and family with solid intention and executive action.

CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your mind today, as she paddles her dream canoe through the realm of your imagination, stirring up your most beloved dreams and visions. Tonight she will join up with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with and commit to the dreams that call to you and won’t let go. Act on them.

AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your fiscal/material sector today nurturing your vision for your material life, your prosperity, and the visions that you want to invest some time and money in. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to commit to your visionary happiness and review your investments.

PISCES: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of self today, nurturing your beautiful imagination, your sensitive soul, and your visionary talents. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn retrograde in Pisces inviting you to reconnect with and recommit to your visions by Divine Design. it’s a stellar day for self-care, which today includes following your dreams.