THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY AUGUST 27TH: The Gemini Moon is gliding through the day on her wings and many prayers inviting us to do the same today. Luna will join up with massive Jupiter, the sign of the guardian angel, inviting us to connect with the angels and ministers of Grace that guide us, protect us, and inform us of Heavenly plans daily. It’s a stellar day to expand our thinking and develop big, brilliant ideas. Today the Gemini Moon will join up with Mars in Gemini, inviting us to act on our biggest best ideas. It’s a gorgeous day to think big and follow up with positive strategic action.

ARIES: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your mind today, on her way to a rendezvous with massive Jupiter to expand your thinking, your generosity of spirit and your most Heavenly plans. Check in with your angels and ancestors today to make sure your thinking and planning are aligned with the Heaven’s will. Luna will join up with Mars your ruling planet, inviting you to take appropriate action once you have Divine green light.

TAURUS: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, where today she will join up with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, expansion, and angelic guidance. It’s a gorgeous day to check in with your angels, then advance big beautiful profitable plans. Tonight Luna will join up with Mars to nurture your best strategic thinking, your intelligent desires, and your capacity to act on brilliant profitable ideas.

GEMINI: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your sector of self, where today she will join up with massive Jupiter, who is also in your sign, inviting you to think much bigger about yourself, your most brilliant ideas and big possibilities. Check in with your angels today, and then tonight when Luna joins up with Mars, act on big beautiful ideas and Heavenly desires.

CANCER: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, nurturing your most angelic thinking, which gets a huge bump today when Luna connects with Jupiter, the planet of guardian angels, inspiring your biggest, best, thinking, a leap in your consciousness, and the expansion of your dreams and visions. Tonight, Luna joins up with Mars inviting you to act on big beautiful visionary plans.

LEO: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your social sector, where today she joins up with Jupiter to expand your social network, your friendships, and your capacity to collaborate beautifully, profitably and brilliantly with others. Luna will join up with Mars tonight, inviting brilliant collaborative ideas and networking plans it’s time to act on.

VIRGO: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your executive suite, where today she holds a merger with massive Jupiter to expand your thinking about success way beyond the usual borders. This evening she connects with Mars inviting you to act on brilliant expansive executive plans that could lead to very big success.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your higher mind, nurturing your capacity to think big, dream big, and advance big beautiful ideas, projects and presentations. Tonight Luna will join up with Mars in Gemini, inviting you to advance, big adventurous plans, and expansive ideas with steady strategic action.

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your depths again today, where she will join up with Jupiter to expand your thinking regarding mergers, collaborations, and your soul’s deep desires beyond the usual borders. It’s also a great day for big transformations.Tonight, Luna will connect with Mars inviting you to take action to advance your transformations, and the big beautiful ideas and opportunities that are in the air.

SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your partnership sector today, where she joins up with massive Jupiter, to expand your thinking and your possibilities on the partnership front beyond the usual borders. Tonight Luna will join up with Mars in Gemini, inviting you to act on big plans opportunities and possibilities. It’s a great night to take initiative.

CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, where today she joins up with Jupiter to expand your possibilities on the work front way beyond the usual borders. Tonight Luna will join up with Mars in Gemini, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and do the preparatory work that will support the big ideas you are developing.

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your biggest, best, and most adventurous, creative and romantic ideas and possibilities. Tonight she will join up with Mars, inviting you to take initiative and take practical, incremental action to follow your bliss and advance your biggest best plans.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your home and family sector, where today she will join up with massive Jupiter to expand your thinking about domestic and family plans. Tonight Luna will join up with Mars, inviting you to roll up your sleeves, and get to work, to advance the domestic ideas you are considering.