THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY DECEMBER 31ST: Happy New Year’s Eve to One and All! The waxing moon continues her glide through Capricorn, through and after midnight when the New Year begins, making this a stellar New Year for healthy self discipline, duty, and the executive intelligence and organization that will lead to success in the New Year. Today Luna is harmonizing with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, traveling in Pisces, inviting us to commit to making our dreams a reality in 2025. Uranus will also assist the Capricorn Moon by helping us break free from outworn patterns that have held us back. It’s time for a steady climb up the sacred mountain of our desired success, as we head into the New Year with a song on our lips and focused attention on our goals. 
For a recording of last night’s tele seminar click here:

ARIES: The Capricorn Moon is waxing through your career sector, inviting you to begin the climb into the New Year, devoted to the goals and commitments that your soul has signed up for. It’s a gorgeous day to get clear and organized for success in the New Year. Commit to the habits that will keep your body healthy, your mind focused, your soul peaceful, and your heart filled with strength, courage, and a song of devotion. love and victory.

TAURUS: The Capricorn Moon is waxing through your sector of travel, publishing, presentations, and the higher mind, inviting you to get very clear about just which projects you want to devote yourself to in the coming year. It’s a gorgeous night to take small steps that move you toward desired goals in the New Year. It’s also a stellar year to keep your mind focused, and to only entertain true beliefs that keep you strong, empowered, and successful.

GEMINI: The Capricorn Moon is traveling through the crystal caves of the deepest part of your soul, nurturing your soul with a new sense of devotion, commitment and obligation to your true desires, and the deepest purest meaning of success for you. It’s a gorgeous day to commit to the relationships, you want to deepen in the New Year, and the goals that will truly nurture your soul as you achieve them.

CANCER: The Capricorn Moon is climbing through your partnership sector toward the peak of shared joy, shared vision, and shared success. Join her. It’s a gorgeous year to devote to strengthening relationships that you are soulfully committed to, beginning with your relationship to the Heavenly Source of your being, and your relationship to yourself. Those two relationships will set the bar for all other partnerships. Commit to both and thrive in all other partnerships.

LEO: The Capricorn Moon is climbing through your sector of work and health, inviting you to begin decluttering and getting organized for the New Year this very day. Chance and success favor the prepared mind and the prepared environment. It’s a gorgeous day to make lists of the habits you intend to cultivate,  the organization you are committed to, and the goals that you intend to succeed at. Begin preparing now.

VIRGO: The Capricorn Moon is waxing through your creative sector of children, art, romance, and self expression, inviting you to resolve to cultivate the healthy discipline that will nurture your need for creative fulfillment, romantic bliss, and childlike fun and recreation this year. Your creativity is one of your biggest calling cards this year. Commit to the projects that call to you and won’t let go.

LIBRA: The Capricorn Moon is waxing through your home sector, nurturing your capacity to get organized at home for a year of both domestic fulfillment and professional success. It’s a beautiful evening to organize your home in a way that supports your success in the New Year. Put your house in order on all levels. Prepare for success.

SCORPIO: The Capricorn Moon is waxing through your mind, nurturing your executive intelligence as she goes. Today she’s helping you cultivate your laser like focus to keep your eyes on the prize of the goals, duties and commitments that you intend to achieve in the New Year. Your mind and your capacity to stay focused are the keys to your success this year. “All things are ready if our minds be so”. W. Shakespeare

SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is waxing through your fiscal sector, inviting you to get focused on the numbers, the budgets and the fiscal goals that you are projecting and intending to achieve in the New Year. It’s a gorgeous day for all material upkeep. Declutter, get rid of the stale and outworn. Shed the shabby. Clear the way for the shiny new prosperity that you’re willing to work for in the New Year.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Moon is nurturing you this year. 2025 has a Capricorn Moon that calls you into a whole new level of nurturing self-care. It’s a gorgeous evening to create a beautiful soft and nurturing environment at home and with those you love. Do what will make you comfortable. Do what will nurture your emotional security. Your feelings, needs, and how to attend to them are at the top of the to do list for 2025.

AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your inner ashram, inviting you into a whole new level of spiritual healthy self discipline for the New Year. It’s a gorgeous day for prayer, meditation, acts of kindness, charity, and defining the vision that you intend to achieve in the New Year. It’s a gorgeous day and evening to do some vision mapping. Delight in crystallizing the dreams that you are called to achieve this year.

PISCES: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing your commitment to friends, group efforts, and collaborations in the New Year. Though you are a sign known for loving solitude, this year, it is the group efforts that will really lead to success. It’s a gorgeous evening to spend with friends, forging, alliances, building community and reflecting on all that you can only accomplish with a dream team.