THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11TH: The Leo Moon is prowling through the day with her spirit lion by her side. Today she harmonizes with massive Jupiter, getting us to think much bigger about creative and romantic possibilities. It’s time for an expansive, graceful, feline leap into courageous action, greater love and greater generosity of spirit. Leap into a loving, gorgeous, brilliant, creative day. 
My next lunar tele ceremony is the Full Moon in Leo Tele seminar on Wednesday, February 12th, to register click here: 

ARIES: The Leo Moon is prowling through your sector of love, on the hunt for your passion, creative bliss, and joy of living. Today, Luna has you thinking much bigger about love and how to express it to the people in your life. It’s a gorgeous day for your big, beautiful generous heart to expand even further.

Make time for play and creativity.

TAURUS: The Leo Moon is gliding through your home sector, trailing streams of love and light as she goes. Today she harmonizes with massive Jupiter to get you thinking bigger than ever before about home, and about the foundation of love that you can build your beautiful life on.

GEMINI: The Leo Moon is gliding through your mind, on the hunt for your most brilliant ideas and the courage to express them. Today she connects with Jupiter to get you thinking bigger about love, creativity, and everything that makes your heart go pitter patter.

CANCER: The Leo Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, inviting you to manifest your brilliant creativity in works of art, commerce and profitable. Brilliant ideas. Today Luna harmonizes with Jupiter to expand your thinking about your creativity and how to profit from it.

LEO: The day is yours, mighty Leo. The Leo Moon is traveling with you amplifying the love and courage in your legendary heart. It’s time to be brave, bold and advance your biggest, best ideas. Trust yourself and the genius that resides within you. Trust the Love in your heart. Let it conquer you.

VIRGO: The Leo Moon is in your inner ashram, chanting beautiful mantras of higher love. Join her! Today let love be the fuel that gets you moving toward your passion and the dreams that call to you and won’t let go.

LIBRA: The Leo Moon is in your social sector, nurturing a beautiful spirit of love, teamwork, community, and generosity of spirit. It’s a great day for creative, collaborations, and fun with dear friends. Make time for them.

SCORPIO: The Leo Moon is in your career sector, shining like a beacon of light that calls you to new heights of success. It’s a great day to be brave and think much bigger about your career and what is possible for you. Climb toward that.

SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Moon is in your publishing sector, nurturing your most brilliant creative thinking, and how you express it. Today Luna will harmonize with Jupiter, your ruling planet, to expand your thinking, your creative brilliance, and your power to thrive from creative efforts.

CAPRICORN: The Leo Moon is in your deepest sector today, shedding light on the nooks and crannies at the depths of your soul. It’s a beautiful day to face fears and shadows, dissolving them in the Sunlight of the Spirit. The Leo Moon will help shed this Light. Luna will harmonize with Jupiter today, inviting you to retrieve your biggest gifts from your depths, and share them with the world.

AQUARIUS: The Leo Moon is in your partnership sector, trailing streams of magnetic love as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy with romantic partners or to seek one if you want one. Luna will harmonize with Jupiter today, inviting you to think bigger and more adventurously about love, romance, creativity and heart centered partnership.

PISCES: The Leo Moon is in your work and health sector, healing your heart on many levels, inspiring a great day for inner and outer cardio today. It’s a great day to practice a higher level and a greater level of love, as you also get some exercise. Hone your skills, let yourself shine, and think bigger about your possibilities.