THE DAILY PLANET ~  TUESDAY  FEBRUARY 6TH: The Sagittarius Moon goes void just after midnight until 7:08 AM EST, when she grabs her briefcase, spreadsheets and day planner and heads into Capricorn to nurture our executive consciousness and the success it supports. It’s a stellar day to be an executive visionary and take concrete action to manifest our goals and dreams. Luna ends her day harmonizing with mighty Jupiter, inviting us to think much bigger about what is possible if we’re willing to work for our expanded dreams, plans and success to become realities.

ARIES: The Moon glides into Capricorn at 7:08 AM EST, in your executive sector, inviting you into a day of taking practical, well planned, executive action to achieve some visionary success. It’s a beautiful day to crunch numbers, work with schedules, and explore exactly what will be required logistically in order for you to succeed at entirely new levels.

TAURUS: The Capricorn Moon glides into your publishing sector of the higher mind today with her briefcase in hand, ready to nurture the success that you’re willing to work for. It’s a beautiful day to dust off your mission statement, and begin acting on it in beautiful brilliant ways as you build your expanding breathtaking vision.

GEMINI: The Moon glides into Capricorn in your deepest sector today, inviting you to reflect on the goals, relationships, and mergers that align with your deepest vision, closest relationships, authentic desires. and begin acting on them. It’s a beautiful day for practical executive action to advance joint efforts, shared dreams and your deepest desires.

CANCER: The Moon glides into Capricorn in your partnership sector today, nurturing your capacity to step into a new level of authority within committed relationships. It’s a beautiful day to build shared dreams with partners, and expand your thinking about what is possible for you in terms of shared success.

LEO: The Moon glides into Capricorn in your work, health, and organizational sector today, beautiful Leo, inspiring you too get structured, organized and clear about goals. It’s a gorgeous day to also get clear about dreams, and the actions required to achieve them. Then roll up your sleeves and get to work. Success and fulfillment await you.

VIRGO: The Moon glides into Capricorn in your creative sector today, nurturing your capacity to commit to your creative brilliance, beloved offspring, or inner children, and your need for fun, play and recreation. It’s a stellar day to advance creative visions, and to make serious time for fun, play and enjoyment. The beauty of life awaits you today. Enjoy it.

LIBRA: The moon glides into Capricorn in your home sector today, nurturing your roots, and your connection to home and family. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on your dreams regarding home and to take action to advance them. Today Luna is expanding your thinking about your dreams, and the financing, mergers and collaborations required to achieve them.

SCORPIO: The Moon glides into Capricorn in your sector of mind today, to nurture your focus on goals, and the mental discipline that supports them. It’s a gorgeous day to define precisely what you hope to achieve, and then break down the logistical details required to manifest or achieve success. The final step is to move into action as you take big steps solo and with partners to achieve a whole new level of prosperity and success.

SAGITTARIUS: The moon glides into Capricorn in your fiscal sector today, to nurture your organizational skills and executive intelligence, when it comes to financial matters. Today Luna invites you to reflect on precisely what your dreams will cost. It’s a gorgeous day for dreaming and for practical brilliant action to achieve success, as you expand your thinking about what’s possible for you financially.

CAPRICORN: The Moon glides into Capricorn this morning to nurture you and surround you with supportive light. It’s a gorgeous day for self-care and for making time for rest, relaxation, and paying attention to your feelings and needs. Some of those needs involve your dreams. What are they? It’s a beautiful day to expand your thinking about what’s possible for you, and for taking concrete steps to manifest your inspired dreams.

AQUARIUS: The Moon glides into disciplined Capricorn in your spiritual sector this morning, inviting you to get serious about your devotional, practice and your dreams. it’s a beautiful day to define both. What are the practices are were committed to that expand your consciousness and develop your relationship to Source? What are the dreams that call to you and won’t let go? It’s a beautiful day to act on your vision, and think bigger about what is possible, domestically professionally, and regarding the fulfillment of your dreams.

PISCES: The Moon glides into disciplined Capricorn in your social sector this morning, inviting you to get serious about group efforts, collaborations, and making time for beloved friends. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on your dreams and the collaborations and group efforts required toachieve them. It’s a stellar day to think bigger and take actions that support your expanded thinking.