THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JANUARY 14TH: The waning Moon heads into Leo in the pre-Dawn hours, and partners with powerful Pluto in Aquarius at 6:53 AM. Together they enjoy the sunrise together as they work to awaken powerful changes of heart within us, and inspire brilliant transformational creativity to be expressed. It’s a gorgeous day to spend with the people you love most, doing what you love most, or making brilliant art.

ARIES: The waning Moon, heads into Leo in your sector of romance bright and early today, and partners with Pluto in Aquarius to nurture empowering changes of heart, mind and social life. It’s a gorgeous day to make art, to express yourself, and to enjoy your favorite recreational activities that regenerate your love of life.

TAURUS: The waning Moon heads into Leo in your home sector today, nurturing your most brilliant, heart centered, domestic and family plans and ideas. Today, Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to work on creative projects that could be game changers for your career.

GEMINI: The waning Moon, heads into Leo, in the pre-dawn hours, to nurture your intellectual and creative brilliance, and your capacity to communicate and express it. Luna will partner with Pluto in Aquarius today, to help you change your mind and your belief systems in powerful empowering ways. It’s a stellar day for a change of heart and mind that aligns you with higher truth and a new level of brilliance.

CANCER: The waning Moon heads into Leo in your material sector today, nurturing your capacity to manifest your creative brilliance in profitable, brilliant ideas and enterprises. Luna will partner with Pluto today to get you the funding and social support you need to rise, prosper, and shine.

LEO: The waning Moon, heads into your sign bright and early today, radiant Leo, where she enjoys a sunrise waltz with powerful Pluto in Aquarius. Together, they inspire liberating, empowering new dynamics, when it comes to partnerships and alliances. Explore a new dance of partnership.

VIRGO: The waning Moon heads into Leo in your spiritual sector in the pre-Dawn hours, and enjoys watching the sunrise with Pluto at dawn. It’s a gorgeous day for Sun salutations, and to invite Divine Light to bless you, and every little thing you do today. It’s a gorgeous day for team efforts that could be game changers and for new daily habits that help you quickly evolve.

LIBRA: The waning Moon heads into Leo in your social sector in the pre-dawn hours in your sector of friendship and social alliances. Today. Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius to transform your social life, your friendship network, and your business alliances. Put your best foot forward.

SCORPIO: The waning Moon heads into Leo in your career sector today, inviting you to step up to the plate of professional success in brave new ways. It’s a beautiful day to rise and shine Scorpio!  Lead the way to radiant golden success.

SAGITTARIUS: The waning Moon heads into Leo in your publishing sector, nurturing your most brilliant creative ideas, and your capacity to achieve them. Today Luna will partner with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to connect with powerful friends and allies who completely support your creative success.

CAPRICORN: The waning Moon heads into Leo in your deepest sector in the pre-Dawn hours, and partners with Pluto in Aquarius at dawn to nurture your capacity to transform at the deepest levels, and forge alliances that allow all parties to rise and shine with brilliance and creative success. It’s a gorgeous day to deepen your love.

AQUARIUS: The waning Moon heads into Leo in your partnership sector bright and early, inviting Pluto in Aquarius to a sunrise dance. It’s a gorgeous day for your own personal transformation and a transformation of your relationship patterns. Explore authentic new dynamics.

PISCES: The waning Moon heads into Leo in your work and health sector bright and early today, to nurture your capacity to shine at work, and to hone your creative skills as well. Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius today, inviting you to connect with the friends and allies who can help you make your most empowering visions come true.