THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JANUARY 16TH: The Aries Moon is striding through the day as she waxes, nurturing our sacred inner warrior, who knows when to advance, when to retreat, and when to review strategies for soundness and viability. It’s a beautiful day to do the same. Consult with your sacred inner warrior about your objectives and the strategies to achieve them. Define victory for yourself and move forward to achieve it.
ARIES: The Aries Moon is gliding through your sector of self today, nurturing you, and your legendary power to act on desires, objectives, and goals. It’s a beautiful day to be practical yet daring. Action is the magic word. Intelligent action is even better.
TAURUS: The Aries Moon is in your spiritual sector, sitting in meditation before moving into action. Join her. It’s a beautiful day to be disciplined, devoted and focused on each action you’re engaged in. Be present today in all that you do, thus insuring, right thought, right word, right action.
GEMINI: The Aries Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing your power to take initiative and advance social plans, networking strategies, and collaborations. It’s a beautiful day to connect. Success is a team sport.
CANCER: The Aries Moon is in your executive suite today, reviewing your strategies for success before moving into action to achieve it. Join her. Be daring, be bold, yet wise, as you move into action to advance your chosen goals, and achieve success.
LEO: The Aries Moon is in your publishing sector today, nurturing your most brilliant ideas while inviting you to act on them. It’s a great day to organize ideas, make lists, and define strategies that will get you to the finish line, then move in that direction.
VIRGO: The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring you to courageously face any shadows that need to be faced, while retrieving your inner gold of talents and abilities that it’s time to make use of. It’s also a stellar day to deepen with those you love.
LIBRA: The Aries Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing your need for fairness, balance, and shared desire within your relationships. It’s a beautiful day to put your best foot forward, as you take initiative within partnerships to create the relationships you want.
SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is gliding through your work and health sector. Inspiring you to get organized and ready to achieve success today, one small practical action at a time. It’s a gorgeous day to attend to the details as you advance goals, step-by-step.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing the courage it takes to love, to create, and to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is strength today. Dare to express what’s in your heart and mind. Dare to be fully you. No one else can.
CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is gliding through your home sector, inviting you to take initiative to create the home and family life you truly desire. It’s a great day to do some power nesting. Set your house in order on all levels.
AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is gliding through your mind, nurturing your power to see things clearly, to strategize intelligently, and to recognize and act on your best ideas. It’s a beautiful day to advance communication projects, and stride toward victory.
PISCES: The Aries Moon is striding through your fiscal/material sector, inviting you to take action that will lead to prosperity, and help you create the material life you desire. It’s a beautiful day to maintain your possessions, organize your finances, and develop streams of income that will beautifully support you.