THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JANUARY 21ST: The void Libra moon glides into transformational Scorpio at 11:20 AM today, to nurture our power to change. Meanwhile, the Aquarius Sun also inspires change by joining forces with transformational Pluto to help us get to higher ground, by shedding what is stale, musty and weighing us down. It’s a stellar day for transformation as we head into the year of the snake. Shed in order to shine more brightly. Release, clutter, falsehoods, emotional patterns, and outworn states of consciousness that do not serve who you are becoming. It’s a great day to become the radiant, healthy, empowered future self.

ARIES: The Aquarius Sun joins up with Pluto in your social sector today, inviting you to transform your life by relying on empowering team support, and by releasing anything getting in the way of your health, happiness, vitality and transformation. At 11:20 AM EST the Moon heads into Scorpio to further support your power to change. It’s a stellar day for epic changes.

TAURUS: The Aquarius Sun joins up with Pluto in your career sector today, to nurture big beautiful elevating empowering professional changes. Meanwhile at 11:20 AM EST, Luna heads into transformational Scorpio, to further emphasize the power of change and evolution in your relationships, career and yourself. It’s a stellar day to be the butterfly.

GEMINI: The Aquarius Sun joins up with Pluto in your philosophical sector, to help you change your mind and your understanding of the truth and higher consciousness. It’s a stellar day to advance your most empowering ideas as you change your mind. After 11:20 AM EST, the Scorpio Moon will be helping you change your environment as well, and any daily habits that will support who you are becoming.

CANCER: The Aquarius Sun joins up with Pluto in your deepest sector, to expedite deep liberating changes that you’re ready to make. Meanwhile, at 11:20 AM EST, the Moon heads into Scorpio, to further support the powerful creative changes in your creative and romantic life that it’s time to make. It’s an epic day to embrace positive change.

LEO: The Aquarius Sun joins up with Pluto in your partnership sector today to beautifully transform relationship patterns that it’s time to shed or step into. Explore new dynamics even if they scare you. Meanwhile at 11:20 AM EST, the Moon head into Scorpio in your home sector, where the shedding of clutter and gorgeous transformation is underway.

VIRGO: The Aquarius Sun joins up with Pluto in your work and health sector today, where epic change, that ultimately empower you, is in the air. It’s a gorgeous day to focus on rebirth and releasing whatever gets in the way of that in your habits and environment. Meanwhile at 11:20 AM EST, the Scorpio Moon glides into your mind, helping you to change your mind by keeping your laser focus on thoughts that empower. Ditch the rest.

LIBRA: The Aquarius Sun joins up with Pluto in your creative sector of children, art and romance, inviting you to explore your creative power and step into a beautiful new relationship to fun, hobbies, recreation, and your offspring. Meanwhile at 11:20 AM EST, the Moon head into Scorpio to turbo charge your power to prosper and thrive, like a gorgeous Amaryllis!

SCORPIO: The Aquarius Sun joins up with powerful Pluto in your home sector today, where epic change is in the air. It’s time to shed ancestral patterns, clutter, and tendencies that no longer serve you. Meanwhile at 11:20 AM EST, the Moon heads into Scorpio to get you in the cocoon of transformation, where gorgeous developments are underway.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aquarius Sun joins up with powerful Pluto in your sector of mind, where epic change is underway. It’s time for a new mental freedom, a new happiness, and the most authentic verbal self expression. Meanwhile at 11:20 AM EST, the Moon heads into Scorpio in your spiritual sector where angels and ancestors are standing by to assist with every little thing you might need.

CAPRICORN: The Aquarius Sun joins up with powerful Pluto in your fiscal sector today, inviting you to explore collaborations that could be massively empowering and profitable. Meanwhile at 11:20 AM EST, the Moon heads into Scorpio in your social sector, inviting you to nurture the alliances that nurture you, your soul, your brilliance, and your prosperity.

AQUARIUS: The Aquarius Sun joins up with powerful Pluto in your sector of self, to nurture the empowering changes that it’s time to make. Step into them this very day! Enjoy the feeling of empowerment! Meanwhile at 11:20 AM EST, the Moon heads into Scorpio in your career/public sector, inviting you out into the powerful spotlight of community, the world stage or your career. Take your pick, or enjoy all three!

PISCES: The Aquarius Sun joins up with powerful Pluto in your spiritual, visionary sector, to help you release dreams and visions that no longer serve who are you becoming, while inviting you to step into the powerful vision that is cresting in your mind and soul. Meanwhile at 11:20 AM EST, the Moon heads into Scorpio to help change your mind in brilliant ways, that align with the truth, and with a new power to express yourself.