THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JANUARY 7TH: The day begins with the waxing Moon cruising through the later degrees of Aries, keeping the focus on advancing ideas, strategies and plans that we want to move forward. At 4:16 PM EST, the Aries Moon goes void inviting us to get centered till 5:11 PM EST, when she saunters into earthy grounded Taurus, inviting us into a lovely evening for sensuality and simple pleasures.

ARIES: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your need for nesting, some downtime, and a check in regarding your feelings and needs. At 4:16 PM the Aries moon goes void till 5:11 PM EST, when she heads into Taurus in your material sector inviting you to enjoy an evening of peace, quiet, calm, yummy food, and simple pleasures

TAURUS: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your inner spiritual warrior, inviting you to keep taking actions today that advance your over arching visions and strategies for the New Year. At 4:16 PM EST, Luna goes void till 5:11 PM EST, when Luna saunters into your sign, beautiful Taurus, to nurture you, and surround you with a comfy blanket of her love and light. It’s a gorgeous evening to put self-care at the top of your agenda.

GEMINI: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your capacity to take bold initiative when it comes to your social life and building your network. At 4:16 PM EST, Luna goes void till 5:11 PM, when she heads into sensual grounded Taurus in your spiritual sector, inviting you to get grounded, and enjoy a beautiful evening of prayer, meditation, yoga, and increasing your intuitive powers by strengthening your connection connection to Source.

CANCER: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your long-term goals and professional success, inviting you to take initiative to pursue success. At 4:16 PM EST, Luna goes void till 5:11 PM, when she heads into grounded, beautiful Taurus in your social sector. It’s a lovely evening for building your social network your friendships and enjoying simple pleasures with the people you love most.

LEO: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your mental clarity and empowerment inviting you into another great day for advancing brilliant ideas, projects and presentations. At 4:16 PM EST she goes void till 5:11 PM when she heads into Taurus, to nurture your relationship to success and prosperity.

VIRGO: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your courage to dive deep, and face the things that scare you most. It’s a gorgeous day to get honest about your feelings and needs, especially the ones you’d rather avoid. At 4:16 PM EST, Luna goes void till 5:11 PM when she heads into earthy, beautiful Taurus, to nurture a higher, more grounded perspective, after a couple of days of deep diving.

LIBRA: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your capacity to build fair, loving partnerships, inviting you into another day of diplomatic activity and enjoying the give and take of relationships. At 4:16 PM EST, Luna goes void till 5:11 PM when she heads into Taurus, to nurture your deepest sense of grounded, emotional stability, and your connection to your roots and ancestors.

SCORPIO: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your capacity to work effectively, and set the details of your life in order. It’s a beautiful day to attend to the practical details of work and life. At 4:16 PM EST, Luna goes void till 5:11 PM when she heads into earthy grounded Taurus, to nurture your capacity for profitable, constructive relationships.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your capacity to create, enjoy life and express yourself. It’s another stellar day for your inner artist. At 4:16 PM EST, Luna goes void till 5:11 PM EST, when she heads into earthy, grounded Taurus, to nurture your relationship to profitable success at work. It’s a great night to crunch your numbers.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your capacity to set your house in order on all levels, and take effective action to nurture professional success as well. At 4:16 PM EST, Luna goes void till 5:11 PM when she heads into earthy, grounded Taurus, to nurture your creativity, and your need for recreational pleasure and playful fun.

AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your mental clarity, brilliance, and the capacity to express yourself effectively and assert yourself when needed. It’s a great day to advance bold ideas and strategies. At 4:16 PM EST, Luna goes void till 5:11 PM, when she heads into your home sector inviting you into a night of delightful nesting, resting and simple, wholesome, sensual pleasure.

PISCES: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your fiscal sector, and your capacity to profit from your actions, plans and enterprises. It’s a great day to market or monetize ideas. At 4:16 PM EST Luna goes void till 5:11 PM, when she heads into Taurus in your sector of mind, to nurture constructive profitable ideas and a need for some mental peace, simple pleasure, and downtime.