THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JANUARY 9TH: The waning Moon begins her day in Sagittarius, providing another fantastic day for exploring exciting ideas, being adventurous, and practicing gratitude. This afternoon Luna joins up with Mercury, now moving forward in Sagittarius, inspiring us to release beliefs that get in the way of our success, embrace beliefs that are true, empowering and lift us up.
It’s a stellar day to advance brilliant expansive ideas that guide us to happiness, success and fulfillment. At 1:24 PM EST, Luna goes void for the rest of the day, inviting us to get our philosophical ducks in a row and organize ideas and projects. At 8:33 PM Luna glides into Capricorn, to nurture our true commitments.
ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon keeps her focus on broad expansive thinking, and big adventurous ideas. Today she joins up with Mercury to further expand your thinking, and provide a higher perspective on your beliefs and emotional patterns. At 1:24 PM EST, Luna goes void for much of the rest of the day, inviting you to reflect and organize ideas. At 8:33 PM she glides into Capricorn to nurture your relationship to success.
TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon continues her glide through your depths where today she joins up with Mercury to give you clear thinking and objectivity about your deepest emotional patterns. Enjoy cultivating some detachment about how you feel and viewing emotional patterns from a higher perspective. Luna goes void at 1:24 PM EST, today, inviting you to go with the flow and reflect as you allow your feelings and attend to them. At 8:33 PM Luna glides into Capricorn to nurture your need for structure and creativity.
GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon continues her glide through your partnership sector, where today she joins up with Mercury to nurture beautiful, approaches to communication with partners. It’s a gorgeous day to develop your emotional intelligence. At 1:24 PM EST Luna goes void from the rest of the day, inviting you to enjoy some quiet reflection and going with the flow with partners or about partnership. At 8:33 PM Luna glides into Capricorn, inviting you into a night of deep reflection about your true commitments.
CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon continues her glide through your work and health sector, nurturing your capacity to approach every day habits patterns, and work projects in an entirely new way. Today she joins up with Mercury, inviting you to consult with your mind and your feelings about your day-to-day life. At 1:24 PM EST Luna goes void, inviting you to reflect on your daily habits, as you get your life in order and ready for success that will be on your mind tonight at 8:33 PM EST when Luna heads into ambitious Capricorn.
LEO: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your best ideas, creative projects, and desire for romance and adventure. Today she joins up with Mercury to fan flames of your creative brilliance. Take advantage and create. At 1:24 PM EST Luna goes void for the rest of the day, inviting you to reflect on your creativie projects, as you get them organized for success. At 8:33 PM EST, she heads into Capricorn to nurture your capacity for structure and organization.
VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing your need for nesting, resting and connecting with family and roots again today. Luna will join up with Mercury this afternoon, inspiring you to pick up a pen and write down memories about family stories that you remember and insights you have, or heard about your parents grandparents, and ancestors. At 1:24 PM EST Luna goes void, inviting you to reflect and get organized for the rest of the day. At 8:33 PM EST Luna, glides into Capricorn, inviting you into a lovely evening for creative expression.
LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your mind again today, reminding you it’s a big, beautiful world and you are an important part of it. Today, Luna joins up with Mercury to nurture your biggest and most beautiful adventurous ideas. At 1:24 PM EST she goes void, inviting you to putter and get organized to succeed with some of these ideas. Tonight at 8:33 PM EST. Luna glides into Capricorn for a lovely night of nesting.
SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector today, nurturing your capacity for financial brilliance and success. This afternoon she joins up with Mercury to help organize your thinking about how to market, monetize or manifest profitable and beautiful ideas. At 1:24 PM.EST Luna goes void inspiring you to get organized financially and materially. At 8:33 PM she glides into Capricorn to nurture your executive intelligence.
SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon continues to surround you with her generous, uplifting light, reminding you of your estimable worth and your many brilliant talents. Today she joins up with Mercury also in Sagittarius, to ignite your brilliance and your capacity to express it. At 1:24 PM Luna goes void inviting you into a great afternoon for self care, reflecting and getting organized for financial success, which will be on your mind tonight at 8:33 PM EST when the Moon glides into Capricorn in your fiscal sector.
AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the focus on your social life today, especially this morning and early afternoon when she connects with Mercury to nurture brilliant thinking about how to broaden your social reach. At 1:24 PM she goes void, inviting you to go with the flow socially for the rest of the day. At 8:33 PM EST, Luna glides into Capricorn in your inner ashram, inviting you to rest, reflect, meditate and connect with the Sacred Source of your being.
PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon continues to nurture your climb toward joyful success. Today she joins up with Mercury in your career sector, inviting you to put your thinking cap on, as your journey through the day, and think about brilliant ideas that could expand your success. At 1:24 PM EST Luna goes void, inviting you to get your executive ducks in a row for the rest of the day. Tonight at 8:33.PM EST, she heads into Capricorn, inviting you to reach out to friends that you love.