THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JULY 16TH: The Scorpio Moon gets very busy today, involving herself in all manner of collaborations and mergers with her fellow planets. She connects with Saturn to help empower us to pursue our most beloved dreams and blast away what stands in their way. She harmonizes with the Sun in soulful Cancer, inviting us to deepen our connection to home, family and roots. She partners with Uranus and Mars in Taurus, inviting us to release what no longer serves and get to work building what does. She works with Neptune inviting us into the beautiful transformations that come from spiritual awakening and pursuing our inspired sacred dreams. 
Luna goes void at 9:10 PM EDT till 9:25 PM EDT when she heads into Sagittarius to nurture our sense of largess.

ARIES: The Scorpio Moon is in a mood for deep connection and changes that support your most beloved dreams. It’s a stellar day to deepen with friends, family, and partners as you dare to explore new financial and material possibilities. Change what needs changing. Step into your power and thrive.

TAURUS: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your partnerships, and how to deepen with those you love, and those who share your dreams. It’s a stellar day to continue with evolutionary constructive projects. Explore new technologies, elevate your consciousness, and thrive.

GEMINI: The Scorpio moon gets busy in your work sector today, reaching out far and wide to her fellow planets, to further your empowerment and your capacity to financially thrive as you build beloved dreams and explore some brilliant breakthroughs. It’s a stellar day to also roll up your sleeves and get to work forging alliances, honing your skills, building your dreams.

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon continues to nurture your creativity, your romantic heart, and your inner child today. It’s a stellar day for collaborations, creativity, recreation, and daring to build new friendships and alliances outside of your comfort zone.

LEO: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your home life, and the changes that you make at home that will have far reaching effects everywhere in your life. It’s a stellar day also for networking, mergers, building alliances, and daring to step out of your comfort zone on the career front and thrive in a whole new way at work and home sweet home,

VIRGO: the Scorpio moon keeps the focus on your mind, which is changing like a caterpillar to a butterfly. Where do you most want beautiful empowering change when it comes to patterns of thought, patterns of feeling, or ideas that need to transform and grow gorgeous wings like a butterfly. It’s a gorgeous day to advance visionary ideas with concrete action, faith, joy and optimism.

LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon is transforming your relationship to prosperity and awakening your deep self-worth. It’s a gorgeous day to feel your butterfly wings growing, the wings of beautiful self-worth and empowerment, that can take you further than you have yet flown. It’s also a stellar day to build your dreams with concrete action, and visionary inspiration. Do what you love!

SCORPIO: The Scorpio Moon keeps the nurturing, empowering focus on you, and your beauty, brilliance, depth, and penetrating insight. It’s a gorgeous day to apply all of that to building your dreams, and building the relationships that you love and value most. It’s an excellent day to commit to thriving and enjoying your life while building success.

SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your spiritual life, and your capacity to meditate, pray, bless and align yourself and your dreams with Heaven’s vision for you. It’s a beautiful day for constructive, visionary action, and for deepening with those you love. It’s another day when vulnerability is strength and creativity is king….or queen.

CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your friendships again today, inviting you to build your dreams with fellow visionaries who share them. Your creativity is again your best calling card today, as you build your beloved vision like a butterfly’s wings are built within the cocoon. Allow your beauty to develop today, and decide whether it’s time to bring it forth.

AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your career sector again today, inviting you to be public, bold brave and empowered. It’s a beautiful day to climb toward the success you desire, whether it’s in your personal, public, or professional life. It’s a lovely day to also, make changes on the home front that align with your authentic self and your authentic needs.

PISCES: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your higher mind, and the ideas, beliefs, and projects that you are committed to achieving, transforming or pursuing. It’s another excellent day to change your mind when and as needed. This can be done with meditation and a shift of focus. It’s a gorgeous day for relentless gratitude, as you build your most beautiful, visionary and brilliant ideas.