THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JULY 23RD : The blazing Sun gets underway in his journey through Leo, the sign of the mighty lion. This morning he will partner with Pluto in Aquarius to turbo charge our evolution, and our capacity to rise and shine at new levels. Meanwhile, the Aquarius Moon goes void at 5:38 AM till 9:23 AM EDT, when she touches down into the soulful visionary waters of Pisces inviting us to nurture our dreams. It’s a gorgeous day to advance our dreams, especially creative and romantic dreams. Creative collaboration is also in the air, as is visionary inspiration. Act on both.

ARIES: The Leo Sun partners with transformational Pluto in Aquarius today, to nurture your romantic life, social life and your most empowering friendships, teams and alliances. Meanwhile, the Moon touches down in visionary Pisces at 9:23 AM EDT today, inviting you to connect with the Loving Source of your being, and nurture your dreams with courageous, creative and practical action.

TAURUS: The Leo Sun partners with transformational Pluto in Aquarius today to nurture big beautiful developments in both your home life and career. It’s a great day for creative domestic and career action. At 9:23 AM EDT Luna glides into visionary, spiritual Pisces, in your social sector, inviting you to cast your social net far and wide today, to connect with your fellow practical visionaries, dreamers and executives.

GEMINI: The Leo Sun partners with transformational Pluto in Aquarius today, to nurture your most brilliant thinking and collaborative ideas that are pure genius. Act on them! Meanwhile, the Moon glides into Pisces in your executive suite at 9:23 AM EDT, inviting you to advance professional visions with visionary action today.

CANCER: The Leo Sun partners with transformational Pluto in Aquarius today, to nurture brilliant new possibilities for you to prosper and thrive beyond your usual norm. It’s a gorgeous day to market your creative gold, and explore creative collaborations. Meanwhile at 9:23 AM EDT, the Moon, your ruling planet, touches down in visionary Pisces in your higher mind, to ignite your imagination and the visions you were born to manifest.

LEO: The Leo Sun is shining on you today, and partnering with powerful Pluto and Aquarius, to nurture positive change in you, while inviting you to transform all partnerships, taking mutual empowerment as a guiding principal. Meanwhile at 9:23 AM EDT, the Moon glides into visionary Pisces to nurture your deepest dreams and the mergers that support them.

VIRGO: The Leo Sun is shining in your spiritual sector, inviting you to seek higher love and greater enlightenment. Today Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius to nurture the practices, habits and work, that align with your most golden vision for health, happiness, service, and success. Meanwhile at 9:23 AM EDT, the Moon glides into your partnership sector, in visionary Pisces, inviting you to advance visions with partners who share your dreams.

LIBRA: The Leo Sun partners with Pluto in Aquarius today, to nurture beloved friendships, alliances, communities and collaborations. It’s a gorgeous day for trying something new, with the people you love most. Meanwhile at 9:23 AM EDT, the Moon touches down in visionary, beautiful Pisces, to nurture your dreams at work, and for your day to day life. Act on them.

SCORPIO: The Leo Sun partners with Pluto in Aquarius today, inviting you into a stellar day for transforming your home, your career and ancestral patterns that have gotten in the way of professional success or domestic bliss. Meanwhile at 9:23 AM EDT, the Moon touches down in visionary Pisces in your creative sector, inviting you to take action that advances your inspired creativity this very day.

SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Sun partners with Pluto in Aquarius today, inviting you to pull out the stops out when it comes to creativity, collaboration and marketing your creative gold. Meanwhile at 9:23 AM EDT, the Moon glides into soulful imaginative Pisces, in your home sector, inviting you to nurture and advance your vision for your home life today. There’s no place like home.

CAPRICORN: The Leo Sun partners with Pluto in Aquarius today, to nurture your deepest levels of creative gold, romantic passion, and your capacity to brilliantly collaborate with your fellow geniuses. Meanwhile at 9:23 AM EDT, the Moon glides into soulful, visionary Pisces, to nurture the brilliance and vision that is flowing through your mind like a waterfall. Act on those visions.

AQUARIUS: The Leo Sun partners with Pluto in your sign Aquarius, inviting you into a brilliant day for changing yourself, your partnership patterns and stepping into entirely new paradigms that empower you and fill your heart with love and courage. Meanwhile at 9:23 AM EDT, the Moon glides into visionary Pisces in your fiscal/material sector, inviting you to take practical action to advance small visions or large ones, it’s your call.

PISCES: The Leo Sun partners with Pluto in Aquarius today, inviting you to take powerful action at work, to advance golden creative visions, and collaborations. It’s also a stellar day for exploring new, empowering, techniques and habits that foster breakthroughs within your health and well-being. Meanwhile at 9:23 AM EDT Luna glides into visionary Pisces, wrapping you in her protection and love, while inviting you to live your dreams this very day.