THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JULY 2ND: Today visionary, spiritual Neptune stationed retrograde at 6::40 AM EDT, joining Saturn the executive planet of discipline, also retrograde in visionary Pisces. Two major planets are moving backward through Pisces, the sign of dreams, visions, spirituality, and higher love. It is a perfect summer for vision quest that invites us to open to our visions by Divine design.

Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT, Mercury leaves soulful Cancer and heads into creative, flamboyant Leo, for weeks to come. Mercury will be inspiring our most brilliant, creative, thinking, and brilliant ideas for leadership and courage as well. The Taurus Moon goes void at 11:43 AM EDT, till 11:50 AM when she heads into Quicksilver Gemini to nurture our mental clarity and emotional intelligence. It’s a beautiful day to stay grounded and present as the planets shift.

ARIES: This morning, visionary Neptune, stations retrograde in Pisces, joining Saturn retrograde in Pisces, calling you inward for a summer of spiritual and practical vision quest, reflection and review of the dreams you are committed to. Meanwhile, Mercury heads into Leo at 8:50 AM to nurture your creative intelligence, romantic ideas and need for heart centered recreation. Luna will head into Gemini at 11:50 AM, inspiring your quickest and best thinking.

TAURUS: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, visionary, spiritual Neptune, stations, retrograde in Pisces, joining Saturn, who is also retrograde in Pisces for the summer. It is time to go inward and seek Divine Guidance for your visions, especially those regarding your social life, networking and community efforts or collaborations. Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT, Mercury heads into Leo for weeks to come, to nurture your creative brilliance, and your love of home and family. At 11:50 AM.EDT, the moon will be in Gemini, nurturing your most brilliant profitable thinking.

GEMINI: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, visionary, spiritual Neptune stations retrograde in your career sector, where Saturn has also recently stationed retrograde. It is time to deepen your vision quest regarding your career, public life, and the projects and professional dreams you are committed to. Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT, Mercury heads into Leo for weeks to come, to nurture your most golden expressive thinking. At 11:50 AM, the Moon heads into Gemini, to nurture you, and both sides of your consciousness.

CANCER: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, visionary, spiritual Neptune, stations retrograde in your philosophical publishing sector of the higher mind, where Saturn also recently stationed retrograde in Pisces. It’s time to reconnect with your most beloved dreams this summer, and seek Divine Guidance to achieve them. Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT Mercury, heads into Leo in your fiscal sector, to inspire your most golden, profitable, creative thinking for weeks to come. At 11:50 AM Luna will head into quicksilver Gemini in your spiritual sector, to inspire your most angelic thinking and your enlightenment.

LEO: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, spiritual, visionary Neptune, stations retrograde in Pisces in your deepest sector, where Saturn recently stationed retrograde, inviting you to deepen your vision quest this summer. It’s time to reconnect with your vision by Divine Design. Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT, Mercury heads into your sign, golden Leo, to nurture your most brilliant creative thinking about yourself and in general for weeks to come. The Moon will also inspire your brilliance when she heads into Gemini at 11:50 AM today.

VIRGO: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, spiritual visionary Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces in your partnership sector, where Saturn has recently stationed retrograde. It’s time for a deep, soulful, vision quest with partners this summer, or regarding partnership. Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT today, Mercury heads into Leo in your spiritual sector, to help you on this golden vision quest for love, creative inspiration, and to reconnect with all you find sacred. Luna will assist with clear thinking at 11:50 AM when she heads into Gemini to nurture your executive intelligence.

LIBRA: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, spiritual, visionary, Neptune, stations retrograde in your sector of daily work, health, and habits, joining executive Saturn who’s already retrograde in this sector. It’s time for a vision quest regarding your daily life, visionary projects, and all that calls to you most deeply. Meanwhile, Mercury heads into Leo in your social sector today, at 8:50 AM EDT, for weeks to come, inspiring festive fun, and creative social connections that warm the heart. At 11:50 AM Luna heads into Gemini to nurture your best thinking and how to share it with the world.

SCORPIO: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, spiritual, visionary Neptune, stations retrograde in your creative sector, where days ago Saturn also stationed retrograde in imaginative, brilliant Pisces. It’s time for a creative vision quest this summer, and a romantic one. Open to your vision by Divine Design for both your creative life and your love life. At 8:50 AM EDT Mercury will head into courageous heart centered Leo to further awaken your creative courage to pursue all that you truly madly deeply love. At 11:50 AM EDT Luna heads into Gemini to shine her light on your deepest desires.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, spiritual, oceanic Neptune, stations retrograde in Pisces in your home sector, where Saturn stationed retrograde days ago. It’s time to deepen your vision quest for this summer and reconnect with your roots, ancestry and your domestic vision by Divine Design. Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT, Mercury will head into radiant, creative Leo, to nurture your most brilliant publishing ideas. It’s time to be bold, brave and brilliant. The Moon will assist with brilliance, at 11:50 AM EDT, when she heads into Gemini to nurture brilliant alliances that support your best ideas.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, spiritual, oceanic, Neptune, stations retrograde in Pisces in your sector of mind, where days ago Saturn, your ruling planet, also stationed retrograde in Pisces. It is a summer of deep, weighty, and brilliant vision quest. It’s time to go inward and reconnect with the dreams, and visionary ideas that light your fire, and nurture your soul. Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT, Mercury will head into brilliant Leo in your deepest sector for weeks to come, to reconnect you with your most brilliant creative ideas, your true passion, and your capacity for love.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, spiritual, oceanic Neptune, stations retrograde in your fiscal sector, where days ago Saturn, your ruling planet also stationed retrograde in Pisces. It’s time for a fiscal and material vision quest this summer. It’s also a good time to review investments, finances, possessions, and how you really feel about them. Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT, Mercury, the planet of thought, heads into golden Leo in your partnership sector for weeks to come, inviting you to give some thought to your heart’s true desire when it comes to partnership.

PISCES: This morning at 6:40 AM EDT, spiritual, oceanic Neptune, stations retrograde in your sign, where days ago Saturn also stationed retrograde. It’s time to deepen your vision quest this summer, and open to Divine inspiration, to inform your dreams and how best to build or manifest them. Meanwhile at 8:50 AM EDT, Mercury heads into creative Leo in your work sector, to ignite your heart, reminding you of the work you love best, habits that support what makes you strong, and your passion for living.