THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JUNE 25TH: The Aquarius Moon continues to fly through our highest frequencies of thought today, lifting our consciousness and giving us a liberated birds eye view. It’s a beautiful day to fly above your life and see it from a higher perspective. It’s also a stellar day for networking, connecting with beloved friends, enjoying brilliant collaborations, and using your powers of invention. Celebrate your freedom again today. Pursue your happiness!

ARIES: The Aquarius Moon keeps the focus on your social life, and your capacity to connect in a meaningful way with people, friends, groups, and communities. It’s another gorgeous day for enjoying flexing your social muscle, and exploring the highest frequencies of thought and powers of invention.
TAURUS: The Aquarius Moon keeps her liberating, elevating focus on your career, public life, and how your powers of invention can foster new success. It’s another great day to enjoy your most authentic expression as you pursue happiness, success, and a social life that nurtures the authentic you.

GEMINI: The Aquarius Moon keeps the liberating focus on your higher mind. Today she helps free you from beliefs that are false and disempowering, while lifting your consciousness to higher truths and brilliant ideas and projects that support your freedom, your happiness, and your capacity to succeed.

CANCER: The Aquarius Moon keeps the liberating focus on your deepest emotional patterns, flying above them, and illuminating those that you are ready to outgrow. It’s also a beautiful day to connect authentically and deeply with the people you love the most. Enjoy that freedom today, the freedom to be yourself with those you love.

LEO: The Aquarius Moon keeps the elevating focus on your partnership sector, where it’s time to explore liberating authentic dynamics with business or romantic partners. It’s a beautiful day to also advance shared visions, dreams, or projects with beloved partners.

VIRGO: The Aquarius Moon keeps the liberating focus on your work and health sector, where success is a team sport today. Today Luna is flying above your work situation and your daily life, viewing both from a higher perspective. Join her. Get the birds eye view of your life, so you can make course corrections as needed, while enjoying the view.

LIBRA: The Aquarius Moon keeps the liberating focus on your creative and recreational life, inviting you to explore your creative freedom, and your power to enjoy yourself. Today Luna also invites you to explore some romance and let your heart take wing.

SCORPIO: The Aquarius Moon keeps the liberating focus on your home life, where it’s time to be free of stale inner or outer clutter that no longer serves you. Let go of family patterns and ancestral traumas, family clutter, or anything else that is standing the way of your domestic bliss and your worldly success.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your mind, through the highest frequencies of thought, where fear cannot survive and falsehoods dissolve instantly. Join her, let your mind take flight and seek the highest truths and a beautiful connection to eternal principles that are always true. it’s a beautiful day to seek the truth, and speak the truth.

AQUARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is your power ally today, flying with you, surrounding you with her liberating elevating light. It’s a beautiful day to let that light, ignite your authentic light, and enjoy sharing it and being yourself. No one else can be. Dare to express yourself authentically with those you love, Make some time for checking in with your feelings and needs.

PISCES: The Aquarius Moon is flying through your inner ashram, exploring the highest frequencies of enlightenment today. Join her. It’s a beautiful day for meditation, prayer, and any devotional practice that seeks to liberate and elevate your consciousness.It’s also a beautiful day to advance your vision or build your dream with your dream team.